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6-Week Wedding Workout Guide

Welcome to the Anytime Fitness Wedding Workout Guide! We’re so excited that you’re here and ready to feel your best for the big day.

Whether you’re walking down the aisle, standing at the altar or sitting in a pew, fitness has an important place in your pre-wedding prep. Not only will exercise help you look and feel your best, you’ll build healthy habits for life, whether you’re entering the next big stage of your life or just looking to be your happiest, healthiest self at the celebration.

Our Workout Program

We know this is the moment you’ve been waiting for, but it’s important to remember that health doesn’t happen through exercise alone — nutrition and recovery are important, too. That being said, if weight loss or building strength is your goal, you’re going to see those results most prominently if you’re putting work in at the gym, which means following this workout schedule and making time to do so. If you’re helping plan for the big day, you might feel too busy to hit the gym… but that’s exactly when making time for yourself and your health matters most! Whether it’s a workout, a walk or a mindful meditation, self-care can be the difference between a stressful wedding season and a mindful, joyous big day. That’s why we encourage you to stick to our workout schedule of making it to the gym four times a week, for the entire six weeks (while listening to your body as needed, of course… more on that below).

You’ll find three different types of workouts featured here: Fundamental Movement workouts, Strength workouts, and Burn workouts. Fundamental movement workouts are designed to train your muscle groups to work better together, and strengthen your body for everyday movements. Strength workouts are focused on building strength in specific muscle groups, and Burn workouts are designed for exactly what they sound like: a fast-paced, intense workout that will have you sweating!

For this workout guide, you’ll complete one Fundamental Movement workout, one Strength workout, one Burn workout and one bonus cardio workout each week (full schedule below). You’ll start by cycling through the first three weeks of workouts, then repeat that cycle for the second three weeks and increase the weight that you’re using as you become stronger throughout the program!

For your bonus cardio workout, you can do your preferred type of cardio, whether that’s running, power walking, biking, rowing or using the elliptical trainer. Here are some of our favorite treadmill, rower, tabata, and cycling workouts to get your cardio in! 


We believe that healthy doesn’t happen with a quick fix or a fad, and that a healthy lifestyle means making nutritious food choices daily. That’s why this isn’t a quick-fix guide; it’s an opportunity to make long-lasting, sustainable choices that help you get to a healthier place, so you can keep feeling your best long after the big day.



Being in a rush won’t slow down your health journey when you’ve got these healthy snacks in your back pocket!


We often think of physical activity as the most important component of a fitness routine, but the truth is, recovery is just as essential. Recovery is key to preventing injuries, as it allows the body to rebuild itself after the stress of exercise. Gentle cardio, yoga, stretching, foam rolling, and balance work are all ways to integrate active recovery into a healthy movement routine.  

You’ll be happy to learn that rest days are an essential part of your fitness journey. That’s right, people! Get rid of any feelings of failure you might have for not hitting the gym seven days a week.

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