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Superset Strength Workout

This workout will challenge you with equipment like sliders and TRX suspension straps. For this strength workout, you'll perform three supersets – that is, a set of two exercises. For each superset, you'll do 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. Complete each superset five times, in the order below, with a 1-minute break in between. Make sure to slow the tempo with TRX row and slider tucks to make sure you're maintaining proper form. 

This workout will challenge you with equipment like sliders and TRX suspension straps. For this strength workout, you’ll perform three supersets – that is, a set of two exercises. For each superset, you’ll do 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. Complete each superset five times, in the order below, with a 1-minute break in between. Make sure to slow the tempo with TRX row and slider tucks to make sure you’re maintaining proper form. 

For this workout, you’ll need sliders, dumbbells and a TRX suspension trainer. 

Superset 1 

Dumbbell Anterior Lateral Lunge 

  • Stand upright holding dumbbells at your sides with your arms straight. 
  • Step forward and laterally to one side, lowering your body down towards the floor and leaning your torso slightly forward. 
  • Push off the front leg to return to start position. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Sandbag Half Kneel Press Out  

  • Begin in a low lunge, half kneel position. 
  • Grip the bag on the sides chest height.  
  • Hold still, then press the bag out and return to the chest. 

Superset 2 

TRX Single Arm Low Row  

  • Hang on to one TRX strap with one hand. 
  • Lower yourself into a low row position while keeping your hips high and shoulders square. 
  • Pull yourself up toward the anchor point and lower yourself back down into the start position. 

Slider Tuck 

  • Start in the top of a push up position with your arms straight, hands directly beneath your shoulders and toes on sliders. 
  • Drag your feet in towards your hands, bending at the knees. 
  • Slide your feet back out to where your legs are straight and repeat. 

Superset 3 

Medicine Ball Hi-Lo Chop  

  • Stand upright facing to one side holding a med ball in both hands up over one shoulder with your arms straight. 
  • Lower the ball down and across your body from your shoulder to your opposite foot, moving your hips and shoulders, not your arms. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

High Plank Hand Touches  

  • Begin in the high plank position.  
  • While holding, reach a hand across and top the opposite hand. 
  • Return to the start position. 

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