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Fundamental Movement Circuit Workout

If you love circuit workouts, this is the fundamental movement for you! This workout is a continuous circuit of six exercises, which you'll complete six times. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and don't rest in between exercises beyond the transition period – work all the way through, then rest for one minute at the end of the circuit. Remember to switch sides at the 15-second mark for one-sided exercises, and repeat the circuit five times through. 
coach and trainee working with a kettlebell

If you love circuit workouts, this is the fundamental movement for you! This workout is a continuous circuit of six exercises, which you’ll complete six times. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and don’t rest in between exercises beyond the transition period – work all the way through, then rest for one minute at the end of the circuit. Remember to switch sides at the 15-second mark for one-sided exercises, and repeat the circuit five times through. 

For this workout, you’ll need a medicine ball, dumbbells, kettlebells and sliders. 

Medicine Ball Thruster 

  • Stand upright holding a medicine ball at chest height in both hands. 
  • Bend at the hips and knees, lowering into a squat, keeping the ball at chest height. 
  • Come upright rapidly and in one movement, thrust the ball overhead, extending your arms fully. 
  • Lower the ball back to chest height as you also lower into a squat and repeat. 

Dumbbell Bent Over Row 

  • Bend forward at your waist holding a dumbbell with your arm straight and palm facing in and your back flat. 
  • Lift the dumbbell up to the side of your chest. 
  • Lower the dumbbell back to a straight arm position, keeping your back flat throughout.  
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Slider Kneeling Slide Out 

  • Kneel with your forearms on sliders, feet down and your back flat.  
  • Slide your arms forward as far as you can without touching your chest to the floor while maintaining a flat back. 
  • Drag your arms back in to the start position. 

Kettlebell Figure 8 Hold 

  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell by the handle in one hand and by the ball in the other hand at chest height.  
  • Swing the kettlebell down and around the back of your leg and switch to the other hand as it passes between your knees. 
  • Swing the kettlebell back up to chest height on the other side. 
  • Reverse the direction. 

In Out Squat Jumps 

  • Stand upright with your feet together and arms by your sides. 
  • Jump up, splitting your feet and bringing your hands up in front to chest height. 
  • Land in squat with your feet wide, hips low and your hands at chest height. 
  • Immediately jump back up, bringing your feet back together and land in the upright start position.  
  • Continue alternating jumping out and in each rep. 

Kettlebell Single Arm Floor Press 

  • Lie on the floor holding one kettlebell at shoulder level with your elbows bent and your palms facing in. 
  • Press the kettlebell straight up over your chest, keeping your palms facing in.  
  • Lower the kettlebell back to shoulder level and repeat. 

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