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Full-Body Strength Circuit Workout

You're going to challenge your entire body with this strength workout, which includes two circuits of three exercises performed for 12 minutes. In order to make this an effective workout, choose a challenging weight, one that you couldn't perform more than 6-8 reps with while maintaining proper form. Try to work straight through each circuit without resting, and take a one-minute rest between circuits. You'll need kettlebells and an exercise ball for this one. 
picture of kettlebells

You’re going to challenge your entire body with this strength workout, which includes two circuits of three exercises performed for 12 minutes. In order to make this an effective workout, choose a challenging weight, one that you couldn’t perform more than 6-8 reps with while maintaining proper form. Try to work straight through each circuit without resting, and take a one-minute rest between circuits. You’ll need kettlebells and an exercise ball for this one. 

Circuit 1 

Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift 

  • Stand upright holding a Kettlebell in one hand with the same side foot raised slightly off the floor. 
  • Lower the kettlebell towards the floor, shifting your hips back and keeping your foot raised and back flat. 
  • Push off the standing foot to return to the upright position.  
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Squat and Twist Press 

  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell in both hands at your upper chest with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Squat down, sending your hips back, bending your knees, keeping the kettlebell at chest height.  
  • Return to the upright position, twisting your torso to one side and pressing the kettlebell up overhead. 
  • Lower back into the squat and repeat to the other side. 

Swiss Ball Plank Toe Taps 

  • Support your body in a front bridge position with your forearms on the ball, toes on the floor and body straight.  
  • Raise one foot off the floor a few inches, then place it back on the floor and raise and lower the other foot. 
  • Alternate raising and lowering feet each rep. 

Circuit 2 

Kettlebell Single Arm Bent Over Row 

  • Bend forward at your waist with your knees slightly bent and your back flat holding one kettlebell with your arm straight and palm facing in. 
  • Lift the kettlebell up to the side of your chest. 
  • Lower the kettlebell back to a straight arm position, keeping your back flat throughout.  
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Kettlebell Split Squat 

  • Stand upright with your feet split front to back holding a kettlebell by the handle in both hands at chest level. 
  • Lower your body toward the floor, bending at the hips and knees, keeping your torso upright with the kettlebell at chest level. 
  • Push off the front foot to return back up to start position. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Dead Bug 

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet raised with your arms straight up over your chest. 
  • Lower one leg and the opposite arm straight down toward the floor, keeping the other leg and arm steady. 
  • Raise the leg and arm back to the upright position and repeat with the opposite leg and arm. 
  • Alternate sides with each rep. 

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