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Suspension Circuit Burn Workout

Our Burn workouts are designed to increase your heart rate and get you working hard so that you can maximize the effects of your workout, both while you're in the gym and for the recovery period afterward, when your body is consuming fuel in order to repair those muscles.

Our Burn workouts are designed to increase your heart rate and get you working hard so that you can maximize the effects of your workout, both while you’re in the gym and for the recovery period afterward, when your body is consuming fuel in order to repair those muscles. This workout features two circuits of four exercises, to be completed five times through. Work for 30 seconds and rest for 15 seconds, with a longer one-minute break between the circuits. You’ll need a kettlebell, suspension straps, and a medicine ball. 

Circuit 1 

Push Up to T 

  • Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your chest nearly touching the floor. 
  • Push up to a straight arm position, then raise one hand to the ceiling while rotating your body to the same side and look up at your hand. 
  • Lower your body back to the start position and repeat to the other side. 
  • Alternate sides with each rep. 

Kettlebell Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunge 

  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell by the handle in both hands at chest level. 
  • Step one leg back, dropping your knee to the floor and keeping your torso upright with the kettlebell at chest level. 
  • Push off your front foot to return to the start position. 
  • Repeat, stepping back on the other leg. 
  • Alternate legs with each rep. 

Vertical Jumps 

  • Stand upright with your arms by your sides. 
  • Bend at the hips and knees into a semi-squat position, leaning your torso slightly forward. 
  • Push off your feet, jumping straight up and raising your arms up overhead. 
  • Land in semi-squat with your arms back by your sides and repeat the jump. 

Kettlebell Figure 8 to Hold  

  • Stand upright holding a kettlebell by the handle in one hand and by the ball in the other  and at chest height.  
  • Swing the kettlebell down and around the back of your leg and switch to the other hand as it passes between your knees. 
  • Swing the kettlebell back up to chest height on the other side. 
  • Reverse the direction. 

Circuit 2 

Suspension Modified Wide Row  

  • Lean back with feet flat and knees bent, holding the handles with your arms straight, elbows out and palms facing forward. 
  • Pull your chest up to your hands, bending at the elbows. 
  • Lower and repeat. 

Alternating Jump Lunge 

  • Stand upright with your feet split front to back with your arms at your sides. 
  • Bend at the hips and knees, leaning your torso slightly forward with your weight on the front leg. 
  • Push off the front foot and jump up off the floor, reaching your hands overhead and switching your feet in midair. 
  • Land in a split squat with the other foot in front and repeat quickly. 

Lateral Bear Crawl  

  • Support your body on your toes and hands in the top of a push up position. 
  • Move one hand laterally across in front of the other. 
  • Move your other hand out to the side and shift your feet to return to the starting plank position.  
  • Continue moving your hands and feet laterally moving sideways. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Kettlebell Overhead Press 

  • Stand upright holding a Kettlebell in front at chest height with your elbows bent. 
  • Press the bell overhead, extending your arms fully. 
  • Lower the bell back down to the start position and repeat. 

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