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8 Tips to Make Eating Healthy Make Sense

It can be overwhelming trying to sort through all the nutrition advice out there. Don't worry — we've got you! Here are eight tips to help make sense of your nutritional needs.
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There’s a lot of info out there – good and bad – that can make your approach to nutrition difficult. From contradictory guidance to the ever-growing list of fad diets, choosing the right approach to fueling and nourishing your body can feel impossible. That’s where we come in! We’re sharing eight tips sourced from our team of health coaches that will help you make positive choices and bring a sense of balance to your plate.

1. Focus on REAL food

Okay, yes. Technically all food is real, but we’re talking about minimally processed foods like vegetables, fruit, animal protein, nuts and seeds, legumes and dairy. Try and avoid packaged “food-like” items, and just say no to overly processed foods. Shop in the outer layers of the supermarket, at a farmers’ market, or even consider joining a local CSA to get your food delivered locally.

2. Opt for higher quality when you can

When possible, purchase organic foods, grass-fed meat, milk, and cheese, cage-free, organic eggs, raw honey, raw nuts and seeds. It may cost a little bit more for higher quality food, but it will cost you less down the road in doctor visits, medical bills, and health insurance!

3. Preparation & organization are key to nutritional success

Delegate a day or two for shopping, prepping, and cooking food for the entire week. Try preparing and freezing meals or parts of them so that all you have to do midweek is warm it up and enjoy! Cut and store vegetables for easy snacking or mealtime. Prepare homemade snacks and divide them into sensible portions ahead of time so you’re ready to grab and go in a pinch. It is so important to stock your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry with nutritious, unprocessed options so that you always have healthy food on hand to make quick meals or snacks.

4. It’s not all about the food!

Address any emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal issues that are preventing you from making healthy choices in your day-to-day. Nourishing yourself with high quality food is just as important as high quality thoughts, beliefs, relationships, and self-care! We are whole beings—mind, body, and spirit, and our entire selves deserve love and respect. 

5. Set realistic, attainable goals

Goals are great, but if they aren’t realistic – you’re going to get discouraged fast. It’s not about lowering your standards, but rather understanding that goals should be customized to you, not to others’ standards or bodies.

6. Learn to listen to your body

When you take the time to pay attention to your body’s cues, you can learn a lot about how food, emotions, relationships, settings, stress and stressors affect your digestion. Are you actually hungry when you’re eating meals? Can you tell when you’re full? Are you able to distinguish a craving from an emotional response? Once you have fine-tuned the art of listening to your body, you will immediately know what does and doesn’t work for it which will empower you to nourish your body accordingly. 

7. Build a support network

Whether you have the support of family, a coach, friends, a Facebook or in-person group, there is a higher probability of long-term success when you surround yourself with individuals who have similar goals and are cheering you on as you work towards reaching yours! 

8. Educate yourself

Knowledge is a powerful tool, so read up, research, obtain the most recent information, and seek the advice of mentors and health professionals who specialize in nutrition as well as physical and emotional health. 

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