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Superset Fundamental Movement Workout

Fundamental movement workouts are all about strengthening our bodies for the fundamental motions that we perform in everyday life: carrying groceries, moving furniture, and more. Not only do these workouts make us stronger, they help prepare us for those movements and protect our bodies from injury! 
Woman doing plank

Fundamental movement workouts are all about strengthening our bodies for the fundamental motions that we perform in everyday life: carrying groceries, moving furniture, and more. Not only do these workouts make us stronger, they help prepare us for those movements and protect our bodies from injury! 

For this workout, you’ll perform four supersets – that is, two exercises back to back. You’ll perform 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest. Rest for one minute in between sets, and repeat three times through. Work hard enough in your 30 seconds of work that you’ll need the full 30 seconds of rest! 

For this workout, you’ll need TRX straps, a resistance band and a medicine ball. 

Superset 1  

Suspension I Row 

  •  From an upright position, lean back holding the handles with your arms fully extended out in front, your feet flat and your palms facing in. 
  •  Pull the handles up overhead with your arms straight, coming upright to form an I. 

Band Overhead Split Squat  

  • Stand upright with your feet split front to back holding the ends of a band in each hand with your arms extended overhead. 
  • Lower your body toward the floor, bending at the hips and knees with your weight on the front leg. 
  • Push off the front foot to return to start position, keeping your arms extended overhead throughout the movement. 
  • Switch legs at the halfway point each round . 

Superset 2 

Medicine Ball Glute Bridge 

  • Lie on your back with your heels on the ball, knees bent and your hands at your sides. 
  • Raise your hips off the floor, making a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. 
  • Lower your body back to the floor and repeat. 

Push Up  

  • Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your chest nearly touching the floor. 
  • Push up to a straight arm position. 
  • Lower your body back to the start position and repeat. 
  • Keep your back flat and your hips in line with your shoulders throughout. 

Superset 3  

Medball Dead Bug 

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet raised holding a med ball against your knees over your midsection.  
  • Lower one leg and the opposite arm straight down toward the floor, keeping the med ball steady with your other knee and arm. 
  • Raise the leg and arm back to the mid position and lower the opposite leg and arm. 
  • Alternate sides with each rep. 

Forearm Plank 

  • Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight and arms tucked in by your sides with elbows bent. 
  • Raise your body up onto your toes and forearms and hold briefly. 
  • Keep your back flat and head slightly raised, looking forward. 

Superset 4 

In Out Squat Jump 

  • Stand upright with your feet together and arms by your sides. 
  • Jump up, splitting your feet and bringing your hands up in front to chest height. 
  • Land in squat with your feet wide, hips low and your hands at chest height. 
  • Immediately jump back up, bringing your feet back together and land in the upright start position.  
  • Continue alternating jumping out and in each rep. 

High Knee Run in Place 

  • Run in place in an upright position swinging your arms by your sides. 
  • Your hands should swing up to about chest height in front and back down to your hip

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