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3-3-3 Fundamental Movement Workout

This workout focuses on foundational movements that strengthen the body and protect joints for everyday movements. Let's get to it!
women doing squats

Today’s fundamental movement workout is focused on foundational movements that help you build strength and protect your joints for the ways you need to move in your everyday life. You’ll notice a lot of full-body movements like push-ups, squats and deadlifts, to get your muscles working together and functionally for better overall movement!

This one features three circuits, three exercises each, for three rounds. You’ll perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Take a one-minute break between each circuit. You’ll need a resistance band and weights (either dumbbells or kettlebells) for equipment. 

Circuit 1


    1. Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your chest nearly touching the floor.
    2. Push up to a straight arm position.
    3. Lower your body back to the start position and repeat.
    4. Keep your back flat and your hips in line with your shoulders throughout. 
    5. If needed, you can drop down to your knees.

Band Pull Apart

    1. Stand upright holding the ends of a band in each hand with your arms extended out in front. 
    2. Pull your hands apart at various angles, lengthening the ends of the band while maintaining a neutral, upright spine. 

W Line Drill

    1. Hop the shape of a W down and back. 
    2. For a low-impact options, do calf raises. 

Circuit 2

Band Overhead Squat

    1. Grab a resistance band (either a looped band or one with handles) and stand with your feet on the middle of the band.
    2. Grip the band and put your arms up over head. Sit back and down to perform a squat, and repeat. 

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

    1. Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands, with your arms straight and palms facing in towards your body. 
    2. Bend forward at your waist with your knees slightly bent and your back flat. 
    3. Lift the dumbbells up to the sides of your chest, bending at the elbows.  
    4. Lower the dumbbells back to a straight arm position, keeping your back flat throughout. 

Alternating Forward Lunge

    1. Stand up tall. Step forward with one leg as you lower your back knee towards the ground.
    2. Drive through your heel as you step back into your starting position. 

Circuit 3

Modified Burpee

    1. Squat down and put your hands on the ground. 
    2. Step one foot back, then the other into high plank position.  
    3. Pause. Step one foot forward then the other with your hands still on the ground in a low squat. Stand up and return to the start position. 

Stiff Leg Deadlift

    1. Stand upright holding a dumbbell in both hands at your thighs, with your arms straight and your feet hip-width apart. 
    2. Lower the dumbbell to mid-shin, shifting your hips back, and keeping your legs straight and back flat.   
    3. Return to the upright start position. 

Forearm Plank with Hip Dip

    1. Lie face down on the floor with your legs straight and arms tucked in by your sides. 
    2. Raise your body off the floor, resting on your toes and forearms. 
    3. Lower one hip down to the floor, twisting your torso to this slide slightly. 
    4. Hold briefly, return to the top position then lower down to the other side with the opposite hip. 
    5. Alternate sides with each rep. 

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