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Thirsty? Staying Hydrated Is More Important Than You Think

The human body is an incredible structure of interconnected parts that must all work together seamlessly to function at 100%. If something isn’t working properly, it sets into effect a chain reaction for the rest of your body. Because our body is nearly two thirds water, proper hydration is essential for optimal performance. So, what happens when we aren’t consuming enough water? Let’s take a closer look at the impact hydration – or lack thereof – has on our bodies.
Woman tying her shoe in front of water bottle

The human body is an incredible structure of interconnected parts that must all work together seamlessly to function at 100%. If something isn’t working properly, it sets into effect a chain reaction for the rest of your body. Because our body is nearly two thirds water, proper hydration is essential for optimal performance. So, what happens when we aren’t consuming enough water? Let’s take a closer look at the impact hydration – or lack thereof – has on our bodies.

Cardiovascular Health

Your heart works hard every single day to keep you alive and well. While it pumps blood to your entire body, it also delivers oxygen to your cells. Blood is 90% water, so when you’re dehydrated, your total blood volume in the body decreases. This causes your heart to work harder to get the oxygen-rich blood to cells in need. When there isn’t enough hydration to go around to your cells, blood becomes thicker which makes circulation more difficult, thus risking an increase in your blood pressure.

While being dehydrated won’t kill you (unless you are extremely dehydrated for a few days) it does cause extra stress on the heart and surrounding arteries. If you are someone who is often dehydrated, consistently putting that extra stress on your ticker can lead to bigger health issues such as heart attacks and strokes. If you have a history of heart disease in your family, take extra time to hydrate to give your heart a break! 

Physical Performance 

Water plays a huge role in maximizing your physical performance. Working out while dehydrated is never a good idea, especially because you’ll be extra susceptible to cramping. Cramps can stop your training or workout dead in its tracks. Not only does water help you during exertion, it’s critical to the recovery process. In order to repair, muscles need water and oxygen. Decreased hydration levels make it harder for our muscles to get the oxygen they need resulting in less hypertrophy (muscle growth) and longer recovery times. Being mindful of your hydration levels is especially important if you are working towards specific fitness goals. Be mindful that soreness and longer recovery times can create barriers that keep us from achieving our goals (who wants to keep working out when you can hardly sit down due to sore muscles?). In addition to our muscles, our joints are affected by our hydration levels. The cartilage and connective tissues that hold our joints together and give them padding are mostly water. Chronic dehydration can cause these joints to deteriorate faster than those with proper hydration. By consistently consuming enough water, you’re not only helping your body in the short term, but you’re also setting yourself up for success in the long run.

Brain Function

Remember when we talked about blood volume? With less oxygen-rich blood, the brain will not function at the same level as it can when you’re fully hydrated. One side effect of dehydration is headaches, caused by the brain asking the rest of the body for more blood.

Am I Hydrated? Where’s my water bottle … 

You might be asking yourself, “Am I dehydrated?!” We’re going to be honest, if you have to ask, you probably are! Here are a few ways to tell if you need to consume more water, and a few tips for achieving your hydration goals. 

Signs of Dehydration 

  1. Are you thirsty? It may seem like the most obvious, but it’s worth asking yourself! The feeling of thirst is a reaction to your body already being dehydrated. If you are someone who feels thirsty multiple times in a day, you may need to pick up your water intake. 
  2. Urine should be light yellow to colorless. Urine is your body’s way to get rid of toxins. Yellow urine can mean that those toxins are in your body longer than they should be!
  3. Other signs such as dizziness, feeling lightheaded, and feeling tired are all signs that you may be dehydrated. Drink up!

How to Level Up Your Hydration Game 

  1. As a rule, try to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day.
  2. Fill a water bottle at the start of the day and create a routine that helps you remember to drink water.
  3. Try changing things up! Sparkling water like La Croix can be an easy swap for pop and adding fresh fruit to your water will make it more appetizing to drink. 

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