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Learning to Track the Right Progress with Evolt

Brett Wolff is a competitive tennis player who uses a wheelchair. He plays tennis throughout the year and competes in cities all over the U.S. Brett joined Anytime Fitness in Waupun, WI, in June of 2020, with the goal of improving his tennis game. He wanted to focus on improving his strength, so he could hit the ball faster, and his conditioning, for better endurance during matches. He started working out in group training, pushing sleds, using battle ropes, doing pull-ups and more.
Photo of a member and a coach smiling

When Matthew Rivera joined Anytime Fitness in Cornwall, NY, his goal was to lose weight and improve his diet. Weight loss is a common goal for many new gym members, but it’s not always easy to track. For example, Matthew had been working out at home before joining Anytime Fitness, but despite putting the work in, he wasn’t seeing results. He decided to join the gym and see how they could help.

Matthew is in school and works full-time, so he needed a workout plan that was both efficient and effective. The coaches decided that an Evolt scan would be a great way for Matthew to check his progress, and took a scan on his first day at the gym so that they could get a benchmark to measure his progress.

One month later, Matthew took a second scan and saw incredible results: After just one month of working out, he had lost an incredible six pounds of body fat, dropped his subcutaneous and visceral fat mass, and lowered his overall body fat percentage from 33.8 percent to 32.3 percent. All of that progress in just four weeks! Amazing.

The coaches were incredibly excited for Matthew, who was not only proud of his progress but excited to see it happening in real time. After all, changes that happen over one month might not be visible to the eye, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t happening, and seeing those results can be rewarding and motivating! 

Not only did the Evolt scan help Matthew reach his goal of losing weight, it actually helped him tweak his goals moving forward. Thanks to the Evolt, Matthew now knows that weight isn’t always an accurate measure of progress, and that his weight might fluctuate due to fat loss and muscle gain. Instead of losing weight, he now wants to focus on gaining muscle. And instead of focusing on the scale, he knows to focus on the Evolt, which can truly reflect the progress that he’s making.

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