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11 Proven Ways to Bust Through a Workout Plateau

Experiencing a plateau in your fitness journey is normal and nothing to be worried about. Here are 11 tips to help you break through.

 You may have been in this position before…you have found a routine you love, so you play that jam on repeat, but it eventually loses its magic touch. You’re not getting the same burn for your exercise buck. While you’re breaking a sweat, the workouts don’t quite “HIIT” like they used to. And what’s worse? Your progress has stalled along with your motivation, and while you know it CAN’T be the case that working out is a waste of your time, you also can’t help but feel like it’s just not paying off.  

What you’re experiencing is known as a plateau, and you’re not the first one looking for help on how to break through it. It is totally normal throughout your fitness journey for your body to adapt and grow in response to your workouts, and it’s a fact of life that the same workout might not have the same effect as it did when you were first getting started in the gym or returning after a long break. In addition to workouts, other things that can play a role in a plateau are nutrition, hydration, even the way you’re measuring progress! Luckily, you’ve come to the right place for help on how to break through a plateau! First, let’s break down what a plateau is and why it happens. Then, we’ll share our 11 tips for breaking through a fitness plateau.  


What is a Workout Plateau?  

How do you know if you’ve hit a plateau in your progress? Simply put, you’ve hit a plateau when you no longer experience the same changes as you initially did from doing that activity. Another word for a plateau phase is “maintenance”– you’re exercising but you’re not drastically changing as a result. If you have goals around weight loss or muscle gain, this progress may have stalled. This might not be a bad thing; if you’ve achieved your fitness goal and are happy with your current state, there is no harm in continuing your regimen, and might we say, congratulations for sticking to it! However, if you’re experiencing a weight loss plateau or a plateau in muscle gain and this doesn’t line up with your goals, it can be frustrating. 

Now, we want to make this point loud and clear– exercise is ALWAYS beneficial, and no physical activity is ever a waste of your time. When you’ve got serious goals and want to see progress NOW, it can be frustrating when those changes are not visible. We get it, and we are here to help!  


Why Does a Plateau Happen? 

The body will adapt to whatever it experiences. This is a concept known as General Adaptation Syndrome (or GAS for short), a theory that suggests the body is most stable in homeostasis, a state of little or no change. In other words, it’s human nature for our bodies to resist change, even if those changes are in the direction of better health. Losing excess body fat, for example, may be a change that would result in better fitness, but the body tends to resist this and other changes because, well, change is hard!  

We are told that regular activity is the key to optimal health, and this is true, but there’s a caveat: doing the same exact workouts over a prolonged period of time will eventually wear off in their effectiveness if you’re aiming for visible progress. The main reason is because if you’re doing the same exercise again and again, your body will know what to expect. Since you’ve completed that same workout many times before, you’ve mastered the exercises and breaking the same sweat doesn’t lead to the same changes you used to see. You will still experience benefits, but your overall fitness level might not change. For these reasons, plateaus are an expected part of the process, but you do not need to suffer through them. Let’s get back to progress! 


Adjust Your Workouts to Break a Plateau 

An important key to breaking through a results plateau, as well as avoiding them in the future, is to keep your body guessing with a varied routine. Whether it’s trying a new activity altogether or making adjustments to your current and beloved routine, you’ll be moving in a new way, which is going to spark that progress and keep improving your fitness level over time! 


Change the Activity 

Have you ever done something new and novel, and it made you feel muscles you didn’t even know you had? That’s what you can expect if you decide to go full-switch and change up what you’re doing. If you’re up for a whole different vibe, you’re ready to try something new– you will certainly feel a change! Introducing yourself to a new way of moving will help break through a plateau in your results. 

For example, a runner might decide to take up cross-country skiing for a change. Or a weightlifter might sign up for a 10K race and start a new training regimen for it. The fact that you’ll need to use your muscles, joints AND brain in a new and different way will be fun, exciting, and also physically rewarding.  


Change Intensity 

Say goodbye to a plateau in your results when you sprinkle in high-intensity exercises. Here, intensity refers to the overall engagement of your cardiovascular system (heart and lungs) during your workout. To increase the intensity of your exercise, choose exercises that will get your heart rate higher (think burpees, box jumps, sprints). You can also add these movements into your regular routine for little “spikes” in your heart rate. Aim to get your heart rate above 70-80% of your max heart rate; this counts as “vigorous exercise” and it is recommended for all adults to sweat it out for 75 minutes or more per week. Read more about high-intensity training and how to incorporate it into your fitness routine and say hello to progress! 


Change the Difficulty 

A great way to keep your workout entirely the same but to increase the challenge is to rest for less time in between bouts of work. Think about it– you can do the same exercises, lift the same weight, but take shorter breaks and you WILL be feeling the challenge! Your muscles will experience more demand in a shorter timeframe, and they will increase in endurance as a result. Now that’s progress! Since you’re also challenging your heart and lungs (shorten up that rest time and you’ll be breathing!) you’re going to get a double-duty gym session that counts as strength training AND cardio. Tired of regular squats? Try Bulgarian split squats instead. 


Change the Volume (Sets/Reps) 

Did you know that trainers CAN in fact count past 10? That’s right! Sometimes, we like to count up to 20 or 30, but only when we’re lifting lighter weights of course. All kidding aside, it is important to avoid falling into a rut of doing everything for “3 sets of 10 reps” which is a great starting point, but it’s really just that – a place to start. There’s nothing magical about doing a set of 10 reps other than for some, it can feel nice to get to a whole number.  

There’s a benefit to doing less reps and lifting more weight: this type of training will result in increased muscle strength. What’s great is that there is ALSO a benefit to doing the opposite– completing more reps with lighter weight! This will cause a higher amount of muscle endurance as a result of busting out those high reps. When you’re ready for a change, switch up your total goal of reps per set. 

You can also keep your reps per set the same but add a whole additional set to the end of your workouts! For example, if you usually complete a circuit of exercises three times, the next time you try it, add a fourth round! This counts as adding a complete fourth set. Turn up the volume in the gym and get ready to see that fitness level improve! 


Change the Weight You’re Lifting 

One tell-tale sign that you’ve hit a plateau is that the weight you’re lifting just doesn’t challenge you like it used to. This lets you know that you’ve grown strong enough to master that exercise at a certain weight. This accomplishment itself is progress, but for someone looking to see changes, it’s necessary to turn it up a notch. A simple yet effective way to bust through this type of plateau is to lift heavier weight! This will place more demand on your muscles and will cause them to get stronger over time as a result. Another bonus benefit of lifting heavier weight is that your bones will adapt by increasing in density (that’s right– strength training makes your bones stronger as well as your muscles!)  


Add a Metabolic Finisher 

Adding a metabolic finisher to the end of your workout can also help you boost your results and break through a plateau. A metabolic finisher is an activity at the end of your session that is highly cardiovascular in nature– it gets your heart rate up (think: lots of sweat) and is the “cherry on top” of a results-focused program. Placing a metabolic finisher at the end of your strength training can boost results by sending fresh, oxygenated blood to your muscles right when they need it. This can help promote a faster recovery as well as set yourself up for a higher rate of calorie burn while you’re at rest. Now, that’s something we can all get behind! 


Change the Workout Modality 

Anyone that’s walked into a fitness facility can tell you that there is an ample variety of equipment, machines, and techniques to choose from during your workouts. When we talk about workout modalities, we’re referring to these various categories, such as free weights, strength machines, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises, etc.– these are all different modalities. When we stick to just one modality, it’s possible to become a specialist in this modality and over time, you will adapt (and you’ll hit a plateau). To see progress again, change it up and choose a new modality– chances are, you’ll be feeling your muscles in a whole new way because of the unique demands of each piece of equipment.  

If you’re in the market for a suggestion, might we recommend this Full-Body TRX Workout! TRX are suspension training straps that allow you to do a wide range of movements to increase strength, stability, and balance, and most Anytime Fitness locations are stocked with these amazingly versatile suspension straps. Another way to change it up is to use medicine balls– here is a 10 Minute Medicine Ball Workout you can do to add some variety.  


Adjust Your Nutrition to Break a Plateau 

In order to continue toward reaching your fitness goals, it’s important to evaluate your nutrition in addition to your workouts and change it up when necessary. Proper nutrition can unlock a whole new world of possibilities when we’re talking about progress in the gym. Why is nutrition so important? The reason is because your food is your fuel for your exercise and your recovery. Your metabolism will work the best when you have an appropriate balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat (the three macronutrients), and when you’re taking in those calories at the right time throughout the day with ample water throughout to keep yourself hydrated. Let’s break those topics down, one at a time.  

Monitor Your Macros 

Meet the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. All foods that we eat are made up of these three types of molecules, and our metabolism works at its most efficient level when we get a balanced intake of macros throughout the day. This is because all three kinds of molecules are needed for the body’s natural chemistry to run. Yes, it’s true that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and this is the case with each of the macros– when we’re taking in too much of one macronutrient, that means that one of the others will be lacking.  

If you’re not seeing results with your workouts, look at your balance of macros in your daily food intake to help break through your plateau. Make sure you include all three macronutrients in each meal. Food tracking apps are a great resource, we recommend My Fitness Pal which comes in an app or website version, and you can enter your foods throughout your day and look at the macronutrient breakdown. There are different macronutrient profiles you can follow, but a great one to start with is a balanced 40/30/30 intake (40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat).  


It’s All About Nutrient Timing! 

Another hack for bursting out of a workout plateau is to take a look at the timing of your meals and snacks. There is an ideal timeframe for getting in your nutrients before you hit the gym, as well as a post-workout window that is best for taking in food, too. Giving your body fuel at the right moments throughout the day will ensure that you aren’t holding yourself back in terms of results by not fueling your exercise and recovery. Read more about nutrient timing here


Water, Water, and MORE WATER! 

How is water related to results in the gym? Without water, your body’s metabolic engine doesn’t run. In other words, water can be thought of as another type of “fuel” for our bodies and just like food, it’s ideal to take in water throughout your day. Looking for tips on how to tell if you’re getting enough water? We’ve got just the article for you (also included– fun ways to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day, because it’s easy to forget when your day gets busy). 


Working with a Coach Can Help Avoid Plateaus in Your Results 

As with most endeavors in life, you’re more likely to achieve a fitness goal when you have support versus when you go it alone. Thankfully, your local Anytime Fitness is ready to support you with Coaches that have been there. Working with a Coach can help you avoid a plateau because your workouts will be varied, and in most cases, people report that they work out harder when they are with a Coach. Both factors will help you continue to see results throughout your journey. Ready to find a Coach? We’ve got your back with 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Coach.  

The Importance of Regular Assessments 

Many Anytime Fitness locations are equipped with body scanning technology. This is because we understand that the scale is an outdated and inadequate measurement tool that only tells your weight, which is a small part of the story. Because the scale only measures weight, it doesn’t have the ability to measure your overall fitness level. A closer, more accurate approximation is body composition, which can be analyzed by body scanners that are in gyms today. These scanners can break down your scale weight into measures of muscle mass and body fat in terms of percentage of your total weight. Getting a regular scan will allow you to monitor if you’re adding muscle mass and losing body fat over time, which will result in a healthier body composition (also known as body fat percentage). This can happen even if your scale weight stays the same!  

When you work with a Coach at Anytime Fitness, you’ll have access to regular assessments using the body scanner at your gym (if equipped) as well as access to your results in our Anytime Fitness App. You’ll also be able to prevent future plateaus by having clear goals and an action plan that you’ve discussed with your Coach. Most importantly, you’ll have someone to turn to when you feel like you might be headed toward a plateau. We’ve got your back, and we’ll see you in the gym! 

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