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Benefits of a Morning Routine: Starting the Day Right

We believe healthy habits and routines are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and if we had to pick one to start with, it would be your morning routine.
Woman sitting at desk in front of computer with cup of coffee

Picture this scenario: you wake up to your annoying alarm and, after hitting the snooze button 3, 4, maybe 5 times, you rush to the shower not even sure what day of the week it is, get out and scramble through your closet looking for clean clothes, get yourself into a presentable state and run to the kitchen only to remember you forgot to get your breakfast AND lunch ready for the day. You are frazzled, stressed, hungry, a little grumpy, and it isn’t even 8am yet. Oh, and your dog needs to go on a walk and is looking at you a little confused…or maybe in despair?

The scene above illustrates the opposite of practicing a morning routine. This individual is not only having a stressful morning, but is more likely to experience a stressful day. No pressure but the nature of your morning can dictate the success of your day. We believe that healthy habits and routines are at the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and if we had to pick one routine to start with, it would be your morning routine. Essentially, a morning routine is a set of basic tasks that you perform in the same order every day. There are many benefits to creating and following a morning routine, and they include the following:

  • Positive mindset: Getting your day off started on the right foot sets the day off on a positive note; imagine how different it feels to wake up in a peaceful way to soothing sounds vs. the blaring and irritating sounds of an alarm. We suspect one of those might make for a grumpier state of mind.
  • Lower stress levels: Let’s refer to the scenario used earlier; a rushed morning makes for a stressful morning (and potentially rest of the day), while a more peaceful and intentional morning routine sets us up to be calm and tuned in.
  • Increases productivity and focus—when you have a set routine, you know what to expect next and become efficient and productive. The act of having a productive morning increases the likelihood that you will carry the focus and efficiency throughout the rest of your day.
  • Sense of control and stability: When we follow a routine at the first part of the day, before any unpredictability and madness may ensue (as life sometimes will throw those curveballs at us), we feel as though we have established control at least in part of our lives. This not only helps us feel comforted, but also allows us to more calmly and rationally address any bumps that we may encounter during the day.
  • Improves energy levels: A routine gives us structure and guidelines, and when we follow it in a task-like manner, we are taking action instead of passively yawning through our morning while we wonder what’s next. This keeps our bodies moving, our minds sharp, and our focus zoomed in. Throw in a workout, a cold shower, or a morning gratitude or meditation practice, and you may get your heart pumping even more.
  • Promotes healthy habits: When we start the day with healthy behaviors, we are more likely to continue on that path. There’s just something about how you begin your day that can really make or break the next steps. Action begets actions, and if the action is one filled with structure, positivity, and focus, it will be much easier to stay on that track.
  • Improves relationships: When you and those around you know what to expect each morning, there is a higher chance of starting the day in a calm and peaceful manner, which can make living with others much more enjoyable. Of course, it won’t always be a perfect morning, but on those less than stellar ones, it will be MUCH more manageable, which will keep you and your relationships in a healthier state.
  • Encourages discipline: Discipline is what keeps us engaging in a behavior when we don’t feel motivated, yet it connects us to the deeper purpose of why we are choosing to engage in healthy behaviors. If we practice the discipline of a morning routine, we will feel better for it, and will be in the right headspace to make more intentional and thoughtful decisions as the day progresses.


Ways You Can Start the Day Off on the Right Foot

 Okay, so you know a morning routine is good for you, and you know you want to give it a go because you are so tired of tripping over yourself each morning. But where do you begin? The following are simple things you can start doing today to start your days off the right foot. Pick and choose the ones that resonate most with you. Start small and add on to establish the routine that feels best (and accommodate as needed): 

  • Get your sleep: We know, technically this falls under the night routine, but hear us out: when you get quality sleep of at least 7-9 hours, you are more likely to make healthier and more thoughtful decisions the following day, and that includes sticking to a morning routine.
  • Set your alarm 15-30 minutes early: Make sure to pick a pleasant alarm sound or song that makes you happy and motivated to get the day started. Starting the day earlier allows you to incorporate a morning routine in a more relaxed state. As you get used to the earlier schedule, adjust your evenings accordingly to ensure you are getting sufficient sleep.
  • Make your bed: Surely you have heard this one before, and for good reason. It is a super simple task that you can do right as you get out of bed (or at least the second thing you do after getting out of bed). Not only does it feel good to mark it off your to-do list, but it makes your room look nicer, and can help you feel more put-together. Also, it will prevent you from wanting to jump right back into bed for ‘just a few more minutes’ because you certainly wouldn’t want to mess with your morning masterpiece.
  • A moment of mindfulness: Whether it’s through a gratitude practice, journaling, breathwork, or simply being present with your morning cup of coffee or bowl of oats, engaging in a mindfulness practice can help improve your mood and maintain a sense of calm.
  • Get moving: Even if you don’t have 30 or 60 minutes for a workout, find whatever amount of time you do have to move your body: take a brisk walk, dance to your favorite songs, practice some yoga, or even fit in some stretching. Incorporating movement into your morning wakes your body and your brain, can improve your mood, and can balance blood sugar, help in weight management, and increase quality of life.
  • Break your fast the smart way: If eating in the morning is something that feels good to you, opt for meals that contain protein, fat, and fiber to keep you satiated and content until lunchtime. Examples include avocado toast topped with an egg, chia seed pudding with nuts and berries, Greek yogurt with a medley of fresh or frozen fruit topped with hemps seeds. You can even make a smoothie that contains protein powder, frozen fruit, and nut or seed butter.

We hope that we have convinced you that a morning routine is so worth establishing—find what works best for you, modify as needed, and get on your way to enjoying a healthy morning, day, and life!

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