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27 Shame-Free Reasons to Go to the Gym Today

At Anytime Fitness, we don’t believe you should have a punishment mindset at the gym. It’s all about being proud that you showed up and made healthy happen!

There are a lot of ways in which we motivate ourselves to get to the gym – some of them positive, some of them not so much. Rather than forcing yourself to go to the gym because of a negative reason – last year’s jean size or anything else along those lines – why not try seeing the gym as place you visit out of self-love, excitement, or a desire to be better than yesterday? The gym is a favor that you’re doing present and future you, rather than a chore you owe your past self. At Anytime Fitness, we don’t believe you should have a punishment mindset when you’re at the gym – instead, it’s all about being proud of the you that chose to show up for themselves and make healthy happen!

We asked some of our gym members – how do you motivate yourself to get to the gym, shame-free? Whether it’s meeting a goal, staying healthy for their family, or doing it for themselves and their mental health, check out all the great reasons your fellow gym members are getting their workout on. We hope that some of their reasoning inspires you!

  1. “Because I want to have the energy to meet every day with 100 percent.”
  2. “Because health is real wealth!”
  3. “To build up my mind and body.”
  4. “The incredible Olympics athletes are definitely one thing that inspires me!”
  5. “Working out makes me feel good and gets my day headed in the right direction.”
  6. “It keeps me energized and helps me maintain my mental health.”
  7. “Self-respect. Period!”
  8. “I’m preparing for a 10K race in October and I want to build strength.”
  9. “I do it to prove to myself that I can accomplish anything.”
  10. “Working out just makes my life better.”
  11. “The gym helps me manage my health issues.”
  12. “To be the best me I can be, for myself and my son.”
  13. “What motivates me is looking at a picture of myself from 6 months ago and seeing how far I’ve come.”
  14. “I’m doing it for me!”
  15. “I stay healthy so I can go on beautiful mountain hikes, long into old age.”
  16. “Working out helps with my depression and anxiety.”
  17. “I exercise to lead by example for my two young boys.”
  18. “The gym has helped me strengthen and recover from a past injury.”
  19. “To be healthy and confident in a long and happy life!”
  20. “Working towards that 6-pack!”
  21. “To focus my energy on something positive… and keep my sanity!”
  22. “To feel good and continue to grow towards becoming my best self.”
  23. “To focus on long-term health as I age.”
  24. “It helps me keep my routine consistent.”
  25. “Because the gym is like therapy for me.”
  26. “Because quality of life at my age is vital.”
  27. “Because I can!!!”

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