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Hit a Roadblock in Your Fitness Journey? Read These 6 Tips

Everyone hits a roadblock at some point in their fitness journey. For some, it can be hard to get back on track once your routine gets disrupted. But it’s important to remember that how we respond can dictate the outcome.
Woman doing a sled push with a coach cheering her on in the background.

We’ve all been there. You’re feeling confident in your fitness journey, strong in body and mind. And then you go on vacation, or get sick, or your mood shifts with the season. Or maybe you’re getting bored with your routine and that lack of inspiration causes you to skip a workout.  Before you know it, you realize you haven’t been to the gym in weeks.

Take it from us, it happens to even the most dedicated fitness folks. But it’s important to remember that how we respond to adversities — in fitness and in life — can dictate the outcome. 

So, instead of getting discouraged to the point of throwing in the towel, let’s dig into six ways you can reframe your setbacks in order to keep moving forward in your fitness journey. 

6 tips for overcoming fitness roadblocks

1. Your goals, your pace

The best part about your goals is that they are completely unique to you. You get to set them and change them as you please. It feels great to reach goals quickly, but often, the most rewarding goals take time. Unfortunately, the more time it takes, the more opportunity there is for adversity to strike. That’s when it’s important to remember that the low points shape us into who we are and make us stronger.

2. Ease yourself back in

Small wins early on can lead us to complete much bigger and more daunting tasks. If you are at a low point, think of some smaller wins that you can conquer in order to get you back on the right track. Small, consistent changes lead to greater transformation than any big goal can. Start small to see the big gains!

3. If you hate it, don’t do it! 

If your lack of motivation is stemming from a fitness routine that no longer excites you, switch it up! Maybe even rotate between several activities — cycling, swimming, yoga, weightlifting, pickleball — until you find one or two that you really enjoy. There are so, so many ways to get active.

4. Join forces

We’re less likely to get bored if we have a workout buddy by our side, so enlist a friend, partner, neighbor, or coworker to join you on a weekly walk, jog, or gym session. Not only will you be more likely to stick to your commitments if canceling means letting someone else down, you’ll also have more fun, making the time go by faster. 

If you’re both competitive, throw in a little challenge. The incentive will push you to up the intensity of your workout. 

5. Mindset is everything

We know the journey isn’t going to be smooth sailing, but wouldn’t you have a better time with a positive attitude? Focus on the good things and keep moving forward to reach new highs!

6. Remember your “why”

There was a reason that you decided to make your commitment or set your goal. Sometimes things happen in our lives and we have a realization that change is necessary. Deciding in that moment is always much easier than following through and taking the time to change. When it gets tough, think of the reasons that prompted you to begin your fitness journey in the first place. 

Moving forward is the only option, regardless of what happens in your fitness journey. You are the one that has to put in the time and work in order to get where you want to be. Decide what you can do now to set direction and make a plan to reach your goals. Take control of your journey. And if you’re looking for a sign to get back into it — this is it! 

Sticking to habits can often be just as difficult as creating new ones. Check out our 10 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Fitness Goals.

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