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21 Ways to Find Time to Make Healthy Happen

If you don’t feel like you have time to work out, you’re hardly alone. Even those who are dedicated to working out struggle to find the time amidst work, social lives, and other commitments. Thankfully, as long as you plan ahead, there are plenty of ways to sneak a workout into your day. Here are our top 21 ways to find time to make healthy happen – even when you feel like you don’t have it.

If you don’t feel like you have time to work out, you’re hardly alone. Even those who are ultra-dedicated to working out struggle to find the time amidst work, social lives, and other commitments. Thankfully, as long as you plan ahead, there are plenty of ways to sneak a workout into your day. Here are our top 21 ways to find time to make healthy happen – even when you feel like you don’t have it.

    1. Combine another habit with your workout.

Do you spend the first 30 minutes of your workday answering emails? Or do you take an hour every week to plan out your grocery list? Rather than doing that at your desk, head to the gym and get on a treadmill, elliptical or bike while your brain works. Thanks to the apps on our phones, it’s easy to get some quick cardio in while your mind is focused on something else.

  1. Replace other activities with fitness.

You don’t have to cut the things you enjoy out of your life to be more active. If you and your friends normally meet up for happy hour, suggest that you walk in the park or try a new workout class instead. If you love walking your dog twice a day, trying turning one of those walks into a jog. Or if your goal is to spend more time with your spouse, try a partner workout with them for date night.

  1. Save time while cooking.

If you’d love to exercise after work but need that time to get dinner on the table, seek out recipes with a long cook time, or those that you can prep in advance. For example, this healthy casserole that cooks for an hour in the oven just bought you time for a run.

  1. Combine work with a workout.

For most people, sitting in an office eight hours a day is a big barrier to getting a workout in. That’s why we recommend combining your work with your workout: invite colleagues to walking meetings, opt for a standing desk, invest in an under-desk elliptical or sit on a stability ball. While working out during the workday might seem like it’s going to be a distraction or a nuisance, it’s actually been linked to higher performance and productivity! Plus, we bet your coworkers will want to join in on the health journey too.   

  1. Try a HIIT or Tabata workout.

You can either find more time to work out, or make your workout take up less time. That’s the goal of Tabata, which offers an efficient workout in just 20 minutes. 

  1. Pick a gym that’s close to home.

What gas station do you go to? Did you choose it because you love it, or because it’s the one closest to your house? It goes without saying that when something is convenient, it’s easier to do. Not only will going to the gym down the street motivate you to get there more often, it will save you time on your commute, too.  

  1. Wake up earlier.

You’ve heard this one a million times, but that’s because it works. When you cross your workout off your list first thing in the morning, the day’s distractions can’t get in the way of getting it done.  

  1. Put your workout clothes out the night before.

This is a two-minute trick that can save you ten minutes of deliberation. It’s hard to make excuses and stay in bed when your sneakers are staring you in the face. 

9. Work out over your lunch break.

Working out during the workday is a great option, and when you do it over lunch, you can be sure you’re not missing out. Block your lunch break off in your calendar and hit the gym rather than the food court. Added bonus: without time to run out for lunch, you’ll be more motivated to pack something healthy and delicious!

10. Incorporate fitness into your commute.

Walking, biking or even running to work is a great choice for your health and for the planet, but unfortunately, it’s not a perfect solution for everyone. If your commute is too long to take on foot, try finding ways to add movement to it, like getting off the bus a few stops early or parking at the far side of the parking garage. Every step counts!

11. Choose a gym with a shower.

Working out at a gym with showers means you save time between the gym and your next destination. Pack a gym bag and some shower flip flops, and you’re ready to transition from the gym to the next step in your day. Fun fact: most Anytime Fitness gyms have shower facilities, because we know that can be the difference in making healthy happen.

12. Take the stairs.

Whenever you can, choose the stairs over the elevator, and if you’re really looking for a challenge, take them two at a time, which further activates your glutes.

13. Join a recreational sports team.

Who said fitness can’t be fun? Making time for a workout is easy when it’s a workout that you’re looking forward to, like a summer softball league or volleyball game with friends. Joining a team also holds you accountable, meaning you’re more likely to show up and get your sweat on.

14. Make chores count.

Cleaning can actually be a great opportunity to get a workout in. Scrub, mop and vacuum vigorously – and do it in your workout clothes to put you in the workout mindset.

15. Run, walk or bike to the gym to add to your workout.

If you like to warm up with cardio, why not make cardio your commute? Rather than hopping on a bike or treadmill when you get to the gym, arrive pre-warmed up by taking your bike or jogging there.

16. Work out while you read.

Do you have a favorite podcast, or love curling up with a good book? Plug in your headphones or find a treadmill with a solid shelf and incorporate some cardio into that routine. Nothing like working your mind and body at the same time!

17. Do a workout inspired by your favorite show.

You’ve heard that you should work out while watching TV, but what if you just want to enjoy your favorite show? Look for a workout that’s designed for the show you’re watching, or build your own by assigning an exercise to each character. Every time that character delivers a line of dialogue, perform that exercise until someone else speaks.

18. Make waiting count.

No matter how busy you are, everyone spends some part of their day waiting, whether that’s at red lights, in a checkout line or a drive-thru. Make that waiting count by performing calf raises, glute squeezes or abdominal holds (tensing your abs and holding for a few seconds). Remember, every little bit counts!

19. Be an active parent.

If you’re always driving kids to practice or cleaning up after little ones, it can be hard to find time for activities of your own. Next time you drop someone off at basketball practice, do laps around the stadium rather than driving home and back, or ask if you can use the gym facilities. If you have younger kids and are always picking up toys, try squatting and lunging rather than bending at the waist. And next time you go to a park, get out there and go for the monkey bars instead of trying to catch up on your email. Their play time can be your bonding time and gym time, too.

20. Try lower-intensity workouts.

If you only have 30 minutes to work out and you’d rather not spend ten of them in the shower, seek out low-intensity workouts so that you’re not dripping with sweat. All you’ll need is an outfit change and a spritz of your favorite cologne or perfume, and you’re on your way.

21. Ask for help. 

Chances are, you’re not alone in wishing you had more time to work out. Start a carpool, ask your partner to cook dinner, or ask your roommate to clean the bathroom. You’re getting your workout on, and the people who care about you will support you in that journey!

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