Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy.  We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.  Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use.  If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

Wij willen dat u informatie hebt over de manier waarop onze app uw persoonsgegevens gebruikt zodat u weloverwogen beslissingen kunt nemen inzake privacy. Onlangs hebben we ons privacybeleid en onze gebruiksvoorwaarden bijgewerkt. Geef hieronder aan of u akkoord gaat met de gebruiksvoorwaarden. Als u weigert hieronder uw toestemming te geven, kan het zijn dat u veel opties en primaire functies van de app niet kunt gebruiken, omdat wij daarvoor uw persoonsgegevens moeten verzamelen, opslaan en verwerken.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.

We want you to have information concerning how our app uses your personal information so that you can make informed decisions concerning data privacy. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Please indicate below whether you agree to the Terms of Use. If you decline to provide your consent below, many of the app’s primary features and functions may be unavailable for your use as they rely upon our ability to collect, store and process your personal information.