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The Only Full-Body TRX Workout You’ll Need

Looking to level up your fitness game and challenge your body in new ways? Look no further than this full-body TRX workout! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, the TRX workout can be modified to accommodate your unique needs and goals.
woman working with TRX bands

Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned vet, you’ve likely seen those colorful straps hanging around and wondered, “What in the world are those?” or “I know what they are but can I really get a great workout with them?” Well, you’re in luck, because we are about to answer both those questions.

The TRX Suspension Trainer (those straps) actually wasn’t created by someone with a legitimate interest in suspension workouts — it was created by Navy SEAL squadron commander Randy Hetric, as kind of a happy accident. Randy unknowingly packed his jiu jitsu belt for a trip overseas and during a training exercise, he and his group were at a loss as to how to strengthen their climbing muscles. Randy tied a knot at the end of that belt, secured it over a door, lifted his body weight, and voila, born was a workout for the entire body using minimal equipment that’s easy to transport.

Suspension training exercises are in a different category from other bodyweight exercises because they allow you to perform a variety of exercises that strengthen your back muscles, but that are difficult to do without equipment. And they add balance challenges that wake up every muscle—especially the core. Even better: because they use your own bodyweight, most TRX exercises are easily modifiable for all levels of fitness, from beginners to TRX exercise pros. While getting started on a TRX trainer might seem intimidating, we promise it’s a super accessible and great way of exercising and building muscle. We have some awesome workout content below to help you get started, but you can always ask a personal trainer for help, too.

Now that you know what it is, what it targets, and why it provides awesome strength training, go ahead and give it a try! The total body workout below will get you started with some of the best TRX exercises and ready to rock the straps. For the Overhead Raise, One Leg Wide Row, Fly, Curl, Modified French Press, and Side Bend, you can modify it and make things a little easier by moving your feet farther away from the wall or TRX anchor. To make the following TRX exercises more challenging, move your feet closer. For all exercises, remember to keep your core engaged to help maintain good form and avoid injury.

In the below content, you’ll find that each heading is the name of an exercise, with the photo and exercise description below it. After you complete the content in this TRX workout plan, you’ll have a new piece of equipment and eight new exercises in your fitness arsenal, not to mention lots of new information and skills you can show off when the next newbie drops in. These are some of our favorite TRX exercises but we hope you fall in love with the TRX training system and want to learn more. So next time you visit the gym, give this workout a try, and spread the TRX love!

TRX Full Body Workout

Reps: 15 | Circuits: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds between circuits

Foot Up Split Squat

Foot Up Split Squat

This exercise, similar to a TRX squat but more challenging, targets the glutes, hamstrings, lower back and calves.

  • Starting position: From a standing position place one of your feet into the foot cradles and your arms by your sides (or hands folded at your abdomen.)
  • Drop your body down toward the floor, bending at your hips and knees and leaning your torso slightly forward.
  • Push off your front foot to return to the start position.
    • Keep a straight spine and your hips pointing out rather than down to protect your low back, allowing the load bearing leg to fire as much as possible.
    • Complete two sets of 15. One on each side.


trx push up

This exercise targets the arms, chest, shoulders and upper back.

For this great exercise, you’ll be in push-up position but with a twist: Secure the straps to your feet by facing the straps while in a seated position. Pull the foot cradles over your feet, then roll to one side.

  • Starting position: Place your hands on the floor in front of you, and your feet shoulder-width apart in the TRX handles behind you in a push-up position (or high plank position). Make sure your right hand and left hand are in an even line. Bend at the elbows and lower your chest to a hover, shoulder blades pointing toward the sky.
  • Push up until your arms are straight, being mindful not to lock out your elbows. Lift hips in line with your shoulders. Keep your core tight the entire time so that your middle doesn’t sag.
    • Complete 15 reps
    • A quicker pace will increase your heart rate. Just be mindful of proper form.

Think it’s fun having your feet in the straps for a change? You can also try a TRX plank with bent elbows. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart in the straps and shift weight back and forth for an extra challenge! But don’t bend knees — keep them straight.

Overhead Raise

TRX One Leg Wide Row

This exercise targets the shoulders and upper back muscles and, bonus, it’s weightless but full of benefits.

  • Starting position: Lean back on your heels facing the anchor point as you hold the handles with an overhand grip and your arms fully extended. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the ground with equal weight on both sides, and your palms facing down.
  • Pull the handles overhead with your arms straight and hands close together, keeping a straight spine and a tight core.

One Leg Wide Row

This move targets your chest, arms and core.

As you perform this exercise, if you have trouble with your balance, try and focus on something that is not moving, like the TRX anchor point. Keep your core tight and your elbows in on the ascent, and make the descent as slow and deliberate as the pull up.

  • Starting position: Raise your right foot out in front of you and lean back, holding the handles with an overhead grip and straight arms. Keep your right leg straight so that you’re not overworking your hip flexors.
  • Pull your chest up to the handles, bending your left elbow and right elbow simultaneously, using your arms and core strength.
    • Complete 15 reps on your right leg, then switch to your left leg for 15 more.



This exercise targets your upper body and core.

Time to isolate those pecs and get a stronger chest. The level of difficulty on this exercise depends on how parallel you are to the floor, so choose your adventure! With a neutral spine, neck, and pelvis, a tight core and a flexed chest, let’s get to it.

  • Starting position: Lean your body forward with your hands in the handles, with an overhand grip and equal weight on both sides. Lift the straps to shoulder height with your legs straight. (Your shoulders, hips and feet should be in a straight line.) Plant your right and left foot close together for stability. 
  • Pull the handles together in front until they meet in front of your chest.
    • Inhale as you open your arms and exhale as you close.
    • Keep your arms straight throughout. (If you bend elbows it becomes a TRX chest press.)


TRX Curl

This exercise targets your upper body, biceps and forearms.

TRX bicep curls start with a properly positioned lower body. Face the anchor point, and as you lean back, keep those glutes, legs, and core tight, and, as always, a neutral spine, with your chin pointed up, neck straight and pelvis curled forward.

  • Starting position: Lean back holding the handles with your arms fully extended, feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the ground, and your palms facing up. (Your body from head to feet should form a straight line.)
  • Pull your body up to the handles, bending elbows and curling your hands toward your shoulders. (The last part of this move is important. Raising your hands up makes it a bicep curl. Keeping them at chest height, makes it a row.)

Modified French Press

TRX Modified French Press

This is the kneeling version of the standing tricep workout. It targets your triceps, upper body, and you’ll feel it in your core if you’re doing it right! Focus on using your back and tricep muscles so that you’re not straining your hip flexors.

  • Starting position: From your knees, position your forearms and palms parallel to the ground
  • Lean your body forward and bend elbows, keeping your shoulders as stationary as possible to allow your triceps to do the work.
  • Straighten your arms as you lift back up, keeping your core tight.
    • Be mindful not to bend at the waist on the descent or your triceps will not fire.

Side Bend

TRX Side Bend

This exercise was made for the TRX trainer. It targets your lats, obliques, and side hip muscles so rarely offered a chance to work against gravity in this way, plus it improves core stability. Inhale on the lean and exhale on the pull. You can keep a slightly more light grip for this one than you normally would in a TRX exercise, because you want to allow yourself flexibility to bend your left and right elbow as needed.

  • Starting position: Holding the TRX handles overhead, lean to the right side (away from the anchor point) with your arms straight. This mimics a side plank position.
  • Drop your hips to the right, beyond your right knee, keeping your head framed between your arms. Keep a gentle bend in your right and left knee, but no more than that.
  • Pull your body back up to the starting side plank position.
    • Complete all reps on the right side before you switch sides to the left.

Tips for your best TRX Workout

Use this valuable information to 10X your TRX trainer results.

  • Make sure to change the length of TRX straps to best fit your intended movements. Overly long lines, or too short of lines, can prevent you from getting a good workout.
  • The further away you stand from the anchor point, the easier the movement will be. However, the closer you move underneath the straps, the harder you’ll have to work! Adjusting your approximate location in regards to the anchor point can make a big difference in your workout.
  • Just seven TRX exercises make up the basis of content for TRX workouts. That’s it! Once you know them, you know TRX and can build your workout from there.
  • The ease of TRX workouts is that if you have gravity, you have resistance (and you always have gravity.)
  • Because they improve mobility, flexibility, endurance, core power, and heart strength, TRX workouts are no joke!
  • You’re using your bodyweight so it’s always your workout. It doesn’t get any more personalized than TRX.
  • Always keep equal tension in the straps.
  • Start correctly. Proper positioning will set you up for success.
  • Stop if your midsection starts to sag or your lower back begins to hurt.
  • No slacking. If the straps aren’t taut, you won’t be either. TRX is no recovery day, and like any other workout, you should have a legitimate interest in working hard and getting stronger!
  • If you’re feeling fatigued, try modifying rather than stopping an exercise. Sometimes you simply need to adjust your footing to find that you’re much more content with an exercise!

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