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Heart Your Workout: A Partner Workout You’ll Both Love

Flowers, chocolates, dinner at Chez You-Name-It, they are all date night favorites, but if you’re tired of doing date night the same way every time, you’re in good company. Why not buck tradition and make a B-line to the gym instead?

Flowers, chocolates, dinner at Chez You-Name-It, they are all date night favorites, but if you’re tired of doing date night the same way every time, you’re in good company. Why not buck tradition and make a B-line to the gym instead?

That’s right, you and your swole-mate can start a new trend that’s low in calories, high in physical activity, less expensive, and arguably more intimate because this workout uses minimal equipment, yet maximum contact. Which is good for your physical and relational health. True story. Studies like this article, show that couples who slay together, stay together.

So, get ready to be each other’s inter-personal trainer and let’s whip those relationships into shape!

Warming Up to Each Other

This 10-30-minute couple’s workout warmup starts by celebrating each of you as individuals and meets you at your different fitness levels and abilities. One of you might want to hit the ground running by taking it to the treadmill. The other might like a bike ride. Or maybe you go sympatico on the cardio by climbing the stairs in synch.

Guys and girls, no matter how you get that blood pumping, there are lots of great ways to get fired up for the next series of exercises.

Round 1: Butterflies In Your Stomach

That sensation you feel could be a crush heading into girlfriend/boyfriend (or more serious commitment) territory, otherwise it’s your body heading into beast mode with this round of exercises that focuses on your abs. Do the following steps in order as quickly as you can, three times. Rest as needed but keep your hustle high!

  • 20 Partner Crunch/Squat-Sits (one set each) – While one of you lies on the mat with your heels tucked, ready to crunch those abs, the other will anchor their partner’s feet by standing on them (toes touching ankles) and holding a down-squat position. Standers, keep those hands high to make the cruncher stretch for it! After 20 crunches, switch and repeat the interval.
  • 30 “Showdown” Plank Claps – From the starting position in a straight arm plank (with a micro-bend in your elbows) facing your partner (who is doing the same). Make sure you’re an arm’s width apart and your feet hip-width distance. Then, simply alternate hand claps with each other.
  • 20 Crunch Tosses – Grab a weighted ball (many medicine balls will do) and lie on your backs with the bottoms of your feet about a foot away from each other. One of you starts by holding the medicine ball and doing a sit-up, leading with your chest, then tossing the ball to your partner who is seated, catches the ball, drops down, crunches up, and tosses it back. (Soft-sided medicine balls are recommended for this one.)
  • 10 Partner Crawl-and-Jumps – One of you will position yourself in downward dog (glutes high, feet hip-width apart) and your partner will crawl under you (using hands or elbows). Once the crawler has made their way to the other side, the downward dogger will assume a low plank position so the crawler can jump over the planker. Then, reverse roles and repeat the interval to finish this fierce core workout that also crushes calories.

Round 2: Love is a Battlefield

No, we’re not using kettlebells, but this round definitely benefits your upper body. Mind you, it will wear your arms out. Trust us. Do the following circuit in order as quickly as you can, three times. Rest as needed but move like a shooting arrow!

  • 20 Partner Push Ups – Line up in push-up position facing one another. One of you does a push-up then holds while the other does a push-up, then holds. Repeat for 20 reps. Feel free to modify with your knees down. Just make sure not to lock out your elbows and that your hips travel with you to the floor.
  • 20 Dumbbell Daps – For this one you’re both lifter and spotter. Stand with your feet hip-width apart with a pair of dumbbells you feel comfortable holding at shoulder height – arms fully extended. (Weight will vary for men and women.) Keep your palms facing each other at all times. One of you starts with your dumbbells extended inside the dumbbells of your partner. The person with their arms inside will raise their dumbbells, and give the top of their partner’s dumbbells a little “bonk”, then bring their dumbbells outside of their partners effectively switching positions. Alternate until you’ve each done 20.
  • 20 Band “See-Saws”– Both of you grab one end of the same resistance band while facing each other. As you each position yourselves in a shoulder width stance, leave enough space between the two of you to create tension in the band while still allowing room to move it. One of you will raise the end of your band overhead, arms extended, while the other drives their end down with bent knees, hinging at the waist, then vice-versa, like a seesaw (using strength over body weight – you should feel this in your triceps). Communication is key here. Find a rhythm and build a burn…while you burn some calories.
  • 30 Jumping Jacks– Nothing fancy here…just both of you doing 30 jumping jacks. But pay attention to proper form by favoring control over speed and keeping that chest out. A good rule of thumb is to count two seconds up and two seconds down.

Round 3: Your Better Half

No, we’re not using kettlebells, but this round definitely benefits your upper body. Mind you, it will wear your arms out. Trust us. Do the following circuit in order as quickly as you can, three times. Rest as needed but move like a shooting arrow!

  • 15 Partner Jump Squats – From your starting position in a squat, jump as high as you can. Then hold tight while your partner does the same. The goal is to look like a couple of pistons roaring!
  • 20 Lateral Lunge Hand-Offs – Stand side by side, making sure you’re about a foot away from one another and in a super wide stance, (which will vary for men and women), but a wider-than-usual stance is important for your range of motion. One of you will hold a ball (medicine balls are best). As you lunge toward each other simultaneously. The one holding the ball hands it to the other. You then lunge away from each other and repeat until you have completed 20 reps. (Medicine balls with a textured surface are best to maintain a grip for this exercise.)
  • 20 Lunge Battles (each leg) – The thighs have it! This one can be done side-to-side or facing each other since all that matters is that you have space for the stationary lunge movement. One of you will start by doing five lunges with either your right or left leg forward, while the other holds the down lunge position. Once the lunger has completed five reps, they will hold the down lunge position while the other partner does their set of five lunges with either their right or left leg forward. Repeat until you’ve both completed 20 lunges…then each of you do 20 with the other leg.
  • 50 Squat-Sit Patty Cakes – Get in a down squat position facing each other. You need to be close enough to play a game of “patty cake” (high five across the body, clap in the center, repeat on the other side). Do 50 of these. You have to do several in order to build that longevity. (Don’t forget to breathe or you’ll burn out in a handful of seconds.)

The Afterglow

Well, wasn’t that more fun than working out to fitness videos? Or watching TikTok? (No shade towards TikTok.) But here comes the best part. After a few minutes of cooling down on a cardio machine you are free to pamper each other properly. Whether you’re going out or going home, make sure to hydrate and fuel up (calories don’t count tonight!) before you toast to your sweet sweat session. You might even consider putting this on your schedules each week as a date night staple. And since it doesn’t take much equipment, you could even do it in the privacy of your own home.

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