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A Bodyweight Workout You Can Do in Your Living Room

We’ve put together a fun and effective circuit workout that works your legs, chest, back, and core without using any equipment at all!

It’s a vibe—you are itching to move, but the thought of leaving your house makes you want to gag. The feeling is not uncommon! Sometimes it makes sense to get to the gym, and other times, life may require that you get creative. The great news is that you can reap the benefits of a workout from the comfort of your living room (or garage, or backyard… you get the idea!)  

We’ve put together a fun and effective circuit that works your legs, chest, back and core without using any equipment at all. That’s right— the only thing you need is yourself and a little bit of motivation to get you started. No excuses, team, let’s do this!

Setting the Stage 

Having the best workout-from-home experience comes down to a few minutes of preparation before you get started. We promise it will be worth your time! From preparing your space to preparing your mind, there are 3 simple steps you will not want to skip. 

Prep Your Space 

For this workout, you’ll need an area about as large as a 5’x7’ rug. Whether you’re working out on carpet or hard flooring, make sure there aren’t any random objects on the floor you could trip or step on—nothing cramps your workout style than stepping on a Lego or rolling your ankle on a dog toy. Woof! 

Prep Your Jams 

Consider turning on some workout music to pump up your motivation. Studies have shown that people tend to put more effort into their workout when there is upbeat music with a tempo of 120 BPM (beats per minute) or more. Why is this? Researchers believe that among other things, music can help us feel less of the effects of fatigue. Let’s pump up the jams! 

Prep Your Mind 

Once your environment is set, turn to clearing your mind. Life is busy and your to-do list might be longer than a five-paragraph essay, but it can wait. Taking time to focus on yourself and investing 20 minutes into a workout can help you be more productive during the rest of your day. Exercise helps improve mental clarity and decision making, so if you’re feeling frazzled, your body is sending you a sign that it needs your attention.  

You may be asking, “My mind is racing all the time, how do I turn it off?” A great trick is to try box breathing. This is a technique that often shows up in post-workout regimens, but it can also serve as a pre-exercise tool to turn off distractions and connect with your body! 

To do box breathing, inhale for 4 seconds, hold that breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds and wait 4 seconds before starting over. Repeat this cycle for 2 minutes or more.

Bodyweight Workout 

Let’s get to it! This workout consists of 8 exercises. Complete each exercise with 10 reps. If the exercise is single-sided, complete 10 reps on each side. Once you’ve done each exercise, repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds. You got this! 

Squat to Reverse Lunge 

  • Start in an upright position. Lower down into a squat and return to standing.  
  • Step back into a split squat and lower the back knee toward the ground.  
  • Bring your knee back to the start position and step back with the opposite leg.  
  • Bring your knee back to the start and perform another squat. 

Plank Around the World 

  • Start in a high plank position, keeping your hands below your shoulders and your core engaged.  
  • Raise one hand and lower it back to the floor. Raise the other hand and lower it back down.  
  • Then, raise one foot off the ground by squeezing the glutes, then lower it back down. Repeat with the other leg.  

Quarter Getup 

  • Lie on your back and hold one arm straight up over your chest with the foot of the same side leg flat on the floor, with your knee bent and your other arm and leg straight out on the floor.  
  • Push into the floor with your free hand and lift your upper body completely off the floor, keeping the kettlebell straight up overhead, propping yourself up on your forearm. 
  • Lower your upper back to the start position, keeping the kettlebell up overhead throughout. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

Single Leg Reach 

  • Stand upright with one foot off the floor, knee bent at 90 degrees and your arms by your sides.  
  • Bend forward at the waist, lowering your torso down and reaching toward the floor, keeping your standing leg straight.  
  • Push off the standing foot to return to the upright position. 
  • Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. 

180 Jump Squats 

  • Stand upright with your arms in the ready position. 
  • Bend at the hips and knees into a semi-squat position, leaning your torso slightly forward.  
  • Push off your feet jump straight up and use your arms to drive up overhead. 
  • Turn 180 degrees as you are in the air. 
  • Land in semi-squat to absorb, reset and repeat the jump. 


  • Lie face down on the floor with your legs straight and your arms stretched out overhead. 
  • Raise your upper body and legs together about 18 inches off the floor as if you were flying like Superman. 
  • Hold this position briefly then lower yourself back to the floor and repeat.


  • Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows bent and your chest nearly touching the floor.  
  • Push up to a straight arm position. 
  • Lower your body back to the start position and repeat.  
  • Keep your back flat and your hips in line with your shoulders throughout. 

Trunk Rotations 

  • Lie on your back with your legs elevated and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Lower your knees down to the floor while keeping your legs bent. 
  • Keep your core engaged to move slowly and under control. 
  • Bring your knees back to center and repeat on the other side. 

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