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15-Minute Ultimate Leg Blaster Workout

Friends don’t let friends skip #LegDay, so that’s why we’re bringing you this mini leg blaster circuit workout that will strengthen your lower body and leave you feeling the burn the next day—in a good way!
The Best Squat Form

Friends don’t let friends skip #LegDay, so that’s why we’re bringing you this mini leg blaster circuit workout that will strengthen your lower body and leave you feeling the burn the next day—in a good way! 

In just a short amount of time, you can have the benefit of stronger legs (and abs!) without having to do Bulgarian split squats, heavy front squats, back squats, loaded lunges, or any other crazy jump squats like tuck jumps or jumping lunges. Don’t believe us? Well, you should, because we’re here to give you this Full Leg Blaster Workout that will take you… you guessed it: 15 minutes!

15-Minute Full Leg Blaster Workout

We’ve chosen some of the best exercises for building lower body strength, stamina, endurance, and balance, that we believe most people at all levels of fitness can do. Although this workout is best suited for the gym, we’ve also included some modifications that could make this a home workout, in case you don’t have access to certain gym equipment.

You’ll complete all sets and reps of the first two exercises, before moving on to the last two exercises in a final superset at the end, for a total of four movements. This means that you will complete one set of each exercise back-to-back, alternating between the two movements with limited rest, until all rounds are complete. This will help increase your stamina and endurance, as well as spike your metabolism to help you burn calories and get in shape. In order for this Mini Leg Blaster circuit to double as an ab workout, be sure to engage your core muscles during each exercise!

Think you’re up for the challenge? Let’s get to it!

Stability Ball Wall Squats2 sets of 15 reps with 30 seconds of rest

Activates: Glutes (Butt), Hips, Legs – Quads (Inner & Outer Thighs)

EQUIPMENT: Stability Ball

  1. For starting position, place a ball against a sturdy wall and lean your back (and butt) against it. Position your feet hip-width apart, about 6-12 inches in front of you on the floor. Your legs should be mostly straight with a slight bend in your left and right knee.
  2.  Keep your shoulders down and back as you lean your torso gently into the ball, putting the weight in the heels of your feet. Your arms can be crossed in front of your chest, or on your hips or thighs, whatever is more comfortable for you.
  3. Engage your core and slowly lower your body, allowing the ball to roll down the wall along with you. At the bottom of the movement, your hips should drop below the ball, with your knees forming 90-degree angles and thighs parallel with the floor.
  4. Push your heels through the floor and extend your hips and knees to bring yourself back to standing position. Repeat!

NOTE: It may take some repetition in order for you to feel comfortable doing this exercise. If this seems too challenging or doesn’t feel right, swap for air squats to slowly learn the progression.

Leg Press3 sets of 12 reps with 30 seconds of rest

Activates: Butt, Hips, Legs – Quads (Inner & Outer Thighs)

EQUIPMENT: Leg Press Machine

  1. Sit in the machine with your back flat against the backrest (adjust the seat if needed) and your feet on the resistance plate in front of you. Your left and right knee should be at a right angle (90 degrees). Your toes should point in a straight line ahead of you (not out to the sides) with your feet hip-width or shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the handles on each side. Don’t forget to adjust the weight plates!
  2. Engage your core and contract your glutes, quads, and hamstrings as you push the plate away from you. Your head, chest, and arms should remain still as you push through your heels. Extend your legs until your knees reach a relaxed position, but be careful not to hyperextend them—this can cause serious knee injury.
  3. With control, return the plate back to starting position by bending your hips and knees. Repeat!

Superset (3 sets of each with 1 min of rest between each round)

A superset is working one muscle followed by its opposite muscle with no rest in between each movement. Don’t use a lot of weight for this because we’ll be working hard with little rest to improve our endurance and stamina.

Seated Leg Extensions12 reps

Activates: Quads (Inner & Outer Thighs)

EQUIPMENT: Leg Extension Machine

  1. Sit in the machine so that the top of the pad is resting on top of your ankles. Adjust the seat back and pad distance if necessary. Hold the handles on each side of the machine for a bit of balance. Don’t forget to increase or decrease the weight if needed!
  2.  Keeping your back flat against the backrest, engage your core and lift the weight up towards the ceiling until your legs are extended with a slight bend in your knees.
  3. Pause momentarily at the top of the movement, before lowering the weight back down to starting position.


Resistance Bands: If your gym doesn’t have this weight machine or you’re doing this workout from home, grab a resistance band and a chair, bench, or step. Place the band under the left leg of the chair, and wrap it around your left foot. Extend your left knee and bring both your left and right foot up, before bringing it back down. Complete 12 reps with your left leg, before switching to your right. Don’t forget to also move the resistance band to the right leg of the chair!

Dumbbell: Sit on a chair or bench and hold one dumbbell in between your feet with your hands on the sides of the chair or bench. Complete the movement by extending both feet (and the dumbbell) out in front of you 12 times.

Seated Leg Curls12 reps

Activates: Calves, Hamstrings

EQUIPMENT: Leg Curl Machine

  1. Sit in the machine so that the top pad is resting on your thighs just above your knees, and the bottom pad is resting below your calves. Adjust the seat back and pad distances if necessary. Hold the handles with your left and right hand on top of the thigh pad for stability.
  2. Keeping your back flat against the backrest, engage your abs and push the pad backwards using your calves and ankles.
  3. Pause at the bottom of the movement, and allow the weight to come back up to starting position.


Resistance Bands: If your gym doesn’t have this weight machine or you’re doing this workout from home, grab a resistance band, and a chair, bench, or step. Anchor the band to a sturdy object and wrap it around your left foot first. Complete 12 reps with your left leg and then switch to your right foot.

Dumbbell: Lie on your stomach (we recommend using a mat) with your legs straight and your arms out to your sides. Place a dumbbell between your left and right foot. Bring both heels up to your butt, and lower them back to the floor 12 times.

And that’s the Full Leg Blaster workout!

Great job, #AFfamily! If that was easy for you, try adding more weight next time. If that was difficult, stick with it!

You can’t climb mountains or cross bridges in one big step, you can only take a step a few inches at a time, and your fitness journey is no different! Even if you put in a lot of effort and repetition, don’t expect to see progress the next day. It can take weeks, a month (or months), and for others, even over a year to see results and reach your goal—and that’s OK; remind yourself that it’s not always a competition. Stay positive, people!

And remember: it’s not about where you start, but where you’re going! You got this.

For more great workout programs and training plans, check out our collection of workout articles. In addition, you can also get other health, nutrition, mindfulness, and life tips by heading to Coach. Care. Connect. Don’t miss it!

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