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How to Pack Healthy Snacks for a Beach Day

Beach day is a great opportunity to relax – or do a workout – but it doesn’t have to set you back on your health goals. Here's how to pack some healthy snacks!
Two women walking along the beach with paddleboards.

Who doesn’t love a trip to the beach? Soaking up the sun, swimming in the waves, and playing in the sand are all great ways to enjoy a summer day.

Of course, beach trips are usually an all-day event, and that means you’ll need fuel – ideally of the healthier variety! While a beach day is a great opportunity to kick back and relax – or do a workout – it doesn’t have to set you back on your health goals. Packing healthy snacks that can handle the heat isn’t always easy, but with these tips, your snack bag or cooler will totally rule.

Stay Cool

We know that it’s extra weight to lug across the sand, but hear us out – a cooler is one of the best ways to ensure you have access to fresh, healthy snacks, plus refreshingly cold water too. With a cooler, you can pack things like cold cuts, frozen grapes, hummus, veggies… the list of healthy snacks that taste way better cold than hot goes on! A hard-sided cooler also prevents food from getting accidentally smushed in your beach bag.

Pack in the Protein

Protein helps us feel full and satiated, which can help curb bored snacking later in the day. Packing snacks with protein ensures that you’re full and fueled for all the fun you’re going to have. If you’re bringing a cooler, we recommend things like hummus, deli meat, string cheese, or a whole grain pasta salad. No cooler? No problem! Reach for beef or turkey jerky, roasted chickpeas or trail mix. (Tip on trail mix: being at the beach will help you avoid the higher-sugar varieties, since the chocolate melts so easily. Reach for trail mix that’s sweetened with raisins or cranberries instead.) When you snack on protein rather than just carbs, you’ll feel much fuller than if you’d eaten carbs alone.

Drink Up

Sometimes, our bodies can mistake thirst for hunger, which is yet another reason why staying hydrated is so important! It’s especially important when you’re spending time at the beach, as being in the sun all day can be seriously dehydrating – something you might not think about if you’re too busy having fun. When you’re packing beach snacks, don’t forget to include water, and don’t forget to drink it, either!

Don’t Forget the Fruit

If being on the beach makes you crave a sweet treat, we recommend packing it in the form of fruit! Fruit is full of natural sugars and hydrating, too. Plus, unlike other traditional sweets (we’re looking at you, chocolate and ice cream), you don’t have to worry about it melting. Our favorite fruit to pack is frozen grapes, which are a delicious way to cool down on a hot day.

Choose Healthy Swaps

Packing a healthier beach day bag doesn’t mean you have to forgo your favorite foods. With a few healthy substitutions, you can enjoy all your favorites, guilt-free. If you love hummus with pita chips, pack it – just add a handful of baby carrots to dip as well. If you can’t go to the beach without chips and salsa, look for chips made from black beans for extra protein. Or if you just can’t pass up that post-beach ice cream, have it! Healthy eating is all about balance and planning, and planning is more than half the battle. As long as you’re making mindful choices when packing your beach bag, you’ve already set yourself up for success! Just remember our last tip: if there’s a breeze, try to keep the sand off the snacks.

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