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Unstoppable Together: Julie & Roy’s Story

Julie and her son Roy joined virtual AF workouts in 2020 to help rebuild their strength and jumpstart their fitness journey—here's what they learned.

Was 2020 really almost three years ago? If you’ve worked to block out any memory of that bizarre and stressful time, you’re not alone. But let’s pause and rewind for the sake of a truly inspiring story.

Let us set the scene. It’s March 2020, the shutdown had just gone into effect, everyday life was disrupted, and we withdrew indoors from a world turned upside down. Reflecting on this period may seem like a blur, but Julie remembers this personal turning point clear as day.

During the chaos, when so much was uncertain, Julie was sure of one thing: Something had to give. Her health was in decline, and her doctor was ready to prescribe all sorts of medications. On top of it all, she had been put on leave and eventually lost her job she held for 30 years. When times are tough, finding the motivation to push yourself and rise above is even tougher and in her words, “I kept stalling. I didn’t want to do anything. I kept saying, ‘Oh, I’ll exercise tomorrow’– but tomorrow turned into the next day, to the next week.” Finally, she looked in the mirror and said, “You’re not gonna be around in three years! You have to get yourself going.” Julie flipped a switch, opened her mind to alternatives, and the laws of attraction were set in motion.

Her son, Roy, found himself in a similar boat. Roy, who’s now 29, has Down Syndrome and had been a Special Olympics medal-winning athlete most of his life. But when his activity center closed and events were put on hold, he also found himself in need of an outlet. So, while scrolling the Special Olympics website in search of resources, Julie happened upon a link that would lead her and Roy on a new path.

Julie discovered the virtual daily workouts led by our Anytime Fitness Coaches and never looked back. Coach Christian and Coach Heather joined Julie and Roy in their living room for daily workouts that became the foundation for them to rebuild their strength and jumpstart their fitness journey. 

In addition to these Coach-led workouts, which she admits weren’t always easy, Julie also got to work trading out old habits for new ones. She partnered with her sister, a fitness trainer and nutritionist, who taught her to count macros and stay accountable. Alongside Roy and with her new team of support, Julie kept consistent and remained steadfast in her commitment to her goals. While we all need to take the first step in our fitness journey, Julie’s story is a testament to the places we can go beyond when we do it together. 

Since 2020, Julie has lost 75 pounds and feels amazing. In her words, “I felt like I was carrying around watermelons, and finally those watermelons have turned into grapes.” She continues working out six days a week and Roy has returned to his life as a multi-sport Olympic athlete. In fact, he most recently won first place swimming the 50m sprint!

When asked what her words of advice are for anyone in need of some extra motivation, she said, “Push yourself. Find a buddy, find a Coach, find somebody that’ll push you to be the better you that you want to become.” 

Thank you, Julie and Roy!

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