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Just Start and Don’t Quit: Alyssa’s Coaching Story

A working mother of three, Alyssa decided to sign up for her first half-marathon. Her advice? "Just start."

Meet Anytime Fitness member, Alyssa– she’s inspiring AF! As a working mother of three little kids, she’s no stranger to challenges. But last year, when Alyssa decided to sign up for her first half marathon despite being a “newbie” at running, she needed some extra help out of the gate. Her next step was reaching out to her local AF to find a Coach. After signing up for weekly training sessions with Coach Mike, she never looked back.

Alyssa’s favorite part about working with a Coach? The personalized plan and accountability it provides. She can be efficient with her time and stay grounded in a routine as she works towards her goals. One of the first big goals she set right away was to do one pull-up– which she’s proud to share she just checked off the list! Hell yeah, Alyssa!

Whatever your goals are, Coaches are pros at keeping you motivated to help them become a reality. Just like with Alyssa and her pull-ups, it’s all about breaking goals down into smaller targets and building your way up. Coach Mike said it best: “Don’t worry so much about the end result and just enjoy the process.” You’ll get there!

Sidenote: If you’re looking to work up to your first pull-up check out this video. First push-up? Check out this article!

When we asked Alyssa what she would say to someone who needs a little extra motivation today she said:

 “Just start. Because, if you don’t just start, you’ll never start. Then, just don’t quit and you’ll always be better than the day before. Sign up for something if you need to like I did with that half marathon. It was totally a bucket list thing, but it got me going and in the door and it got me in a routine and committed 100%. And now I’m doing my next one in October!”

Keep going, Alyssa!

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