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Joining the Gym: A Lifesaving Decision

Brett Wolff is a competitive tennis player who uses a wheelchair. He plays tennis throughout the year and competes in cities all over the U.S. Brett joined Anytime Fitness in Waupun, WI, in June of 2020, with the goal of improving his tennis game. He wanted to focus on improving his strength, so he could hit the ball faster, and his conditioning, for better endurance during matches. He started working out in group training, pushing sleds, using battle ropes, doing pull-ups and more.

It’s well-known that health, wellness, and regular exercise can ward off the risk of future health conditions. It might sound dramatic, but deciding to join a gym can save your life! In February of 2021, Anytime Fitness Brainerd member Les Lodewyck learned that, literally.

Lodewyck originally joined the gym four year ago – he was retired and wanted to stay active and improve his health. One Monday in February, he thought he was heading to the gym like any other day – he actually had to talk himself into going, as it was the day after the Super Bowl. Thank goodness he did!

Lodewyck arrived at the gym feeling a bit tired but otherwise fine. He worked out on the treadmill and in the weights section, then, having completed his workout, headed back to the cubbies. He was chatting with one of the club’s trainers about the weekend and had just sat down to put his shoes on when he collapsed.

Lodewyck had gone into cardiac arrest. The staff acted fast, and one trainer, assisted by two others, performed CPR as they waited for emergency responders. Soon, the sheriff, police and ambulance arrived and were able to resuscitate Lodewyck, who was then airlifted to the hospital. Thankfully, he made a full recovery!

Lodewyck had arrived at the gym sometime before noon, and said that if he’d stayed home, he would have been alone until his wife arrived at 4:30 that evening. “I was at the right place at the right time, with the right people,” he says.

According to Brainerd’s ambulance services manager, only about 10 percent of cardiac arrest patients survive and walk out of the hospital, which makes Lodewyck an incredibly lucky case.

“Without the Anytime Fitness staff doing CPR, I really don’t think it would have turned out as good as it did,” he said. The staff members who helped save Lodewyck’s life all received Heartsaver Hero Awards, an award created by the American Heart Association that’s given to those who step in to perform CPR and help save a life.

The club’s owner, Jeremy Pollock, asks that all his staff earn and maintain their CPR certifications. Since opening in 2007, this was the first time an employee had to use their CPR skills, and he was certainly glad they were trained.

Lodewyck now has a permanent defibrillator, but he knew that the staff at Anytime Fitness made the difference in saving his life. “I’m very thankful for all these people,” he said.

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