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Getting Fit for Life

Sarah said it best herself: “The gym has become my therapy and the people my friends!”

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has made our lives more sedentary. That was true for Kyle, a member of Anytime Fitness in State College, PA, who joined the gym in February to add more activity into his lifestyle. Kyle came in with the goal of losing body fat and building muscle, and in the words of his coach, he’s crushing it!

Growing up, Kyle had no problem with fitness: he played baseball and stayed active. But after starting his first job out of college, he noticed that his physical activity had decreased significantly, and once he started working from home due to the pandemic, he wasn’t moving as much as he would have liked. Kyle also has a daughter who loves hiking, kayaking, and playing softball, and the ability to spend time being active with her was what motivated him to join the gym.

Upon joining, he started working with his personal trainer, Shane, once a week. His progress so far has been exciting and encouraging, as he’s shed five percent of his body fat and gained seven pounds of skeletal muscle mass since starting at the gym!

Working with a coach has been incredibly helpful for Kyle’s progress. One roadblock on his fitness journey has been his diet, which Shane always has tips and advice for. Another roadblock had been struggling to come to the gym when he wasn’t seeing any progress. Thanks to Shane, Kyle has come to see fitness as a long-term lifestyle change rather than a quick win. Now, when he’s deciding what to eat or whether he should go to the gym, he’s more motivated to make a healthy choice that contributes to his health journey.

One of Kyle’s biggest wins in working with Shane has been on the squat rack. When Kyle started at Anytime Fitness, he believed that 300 pounds was too heavy for him to lift. Shane reminded him to trust his training, stop underestimating himself, and what do you know: Kyle was able to squat not just 300, but 315 pounds with ease! It’s amazing the difference a little encouragement can make, and that’s what our coaches are here to provide. Way to make healthy happen, Kyle!

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