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Building Strength for a Healthy Recovery

Sarah said it best herself: “The gym has become my therapy and the people my friends!”

At Anytime Fitness, no matter what your health goal is, we’re here to help you reach it! That’s what Carolyn Hogan learned when she joined Anytime Fitness of Nashville, GA in April of 2017.

Carolyn is a retired nurse whose goal was to strengthen her legs for an upcoming knee surgery. She started taking the gym’s Holy Fit class six months before the procedure was scheduled, and it made a huge difference in her recovery. The club staff was thrilled to hear that just two weeks after the surgery, she was able to drive her car! Carolyn also attended drop foot therapy for a year for her left foot, and had a second surgery on her other knee two years later.

Despite multiple surgeries and thanks to her hard work, Carolyn has built up her endurance and is pain-free. While she was using a walker and a cane when she joined the gym, she no longer needs them. She also no longer needs a motorized cart when she shops, she can walk up and down stairs without using the railing, and she says that she even “jumps out of bed” thanks to her core strength. She says she has more energy and balance now than she did before, and even her family has been amazed at how much energy she has.

It’s incredible how much Carolyn has improved her health in just a few years, and bounced back from major surgeries, too. We are so proud of her and the hard work she’s put in, and we love seeing the positive changes that have been made in her life! As for Carolyn, she says joining the gym is the best thing she’s ever done for herself. Way to make healthy happen, Carolyn.

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