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Building Strength & Community

Sarah said it best herself: “The gym has become my therapy and the people my friends!”

When Austin joined Anytime Fitness of Palm Coast FL, he had one goal: getting stronger. What he didn’t realize was that he would get a lot more than just that! Austin had lifted weights in high school but then stopped, and had forgotten how much he missed it. He decided that when he signed up at Anytime Fitness, he was going to take his fitness journey seriously, and that helped him realize how much he loved the gym!

Beyond just missing lifting, Austin had been feeling self-conscious about his body. He loved that as he started coming to the gym and lifting heavier weights, he could start seeing the results of his hard work. Austin does monthly check-ins and body composition scans to see how his fitness goals are going, which lets him see exactly how much his hard work is paying off. He also works with a coach for both in-gym and virtual check-ins, plus tips, healthy recipes, and more. According to Austin, seeing improvement fuels his fire to work even harder.

His favorite exercises are anything that targets his weaker muscle areas, such as his back. When he lifted in high school, Austin never learned how to strengthen his back muscles, which led to them being underdeveloped. He’s loved working with a coach to build comprehensive strength across his body. Another roadblock that Austin faced as a lifter was gaining weight, but since joining, he’s put on 20 pounds of muscle in less than a year. His current fitness goal is to keep gaining muscle and eating well to support that!

Austin was so happy with the results he saw that he’s convinced several other friends to join him on his fitness journey and make healthy happen. Everyone supports one another and works out together in the club.

Austin has created an awesome fitness community, and as he says, “The gym is an area for improvement; no one judges, only cheers for others.”

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