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A Squat Rack or an Altar? It’s Both!

When most people think about their wedding day, they’re dreaming of traditional venues such as a romantic church, an elegant barn, or a destination wedding on the beach. But not Frank and Crystal! For these two AF members, they chose the special place where it all started—or we guess, restarted: the squat rack at their favorite club, AF Brodheadsville.

When most people imagine their wedding day, they’re dreaming of traditional venues such as a romantic church, an elegant barn, or a destination wedding on the beach. But not Frank and Crystal! For these two incredible AF members, they chose the special place where it all started—or we guess, restarted: the squat rack at their favorite club, AF Brodheadsville.

Frank and Crystal had mutually decided to end their romantic relationship right before COVID-19 hit earlier this year, but they never strayed too far from one another and remained each other’s fitness pals. When their local club re-opened in June after a government-mandated shutdown in their area, they couldn’t wait to make healthy happen again together. Crystal drove over 120 miles round-trip, five or six times a week, to work out with Frank at their favorite gym together! Now, that is love. They both shared a mutual passion for fitness—especially weightlifting—and while they thought they were focusing on making muscle gains, they soon realized they were building much more than that, together.

After about a month of working hard in the gym, they had a “max” day to help measure their progress, and they both increased their PRs by over 20 pounds! Wanting to celebrate their accomplishments, they decided to take a trip to Atlantic City—just the two of them. Having this quality time together helped them realize their true love for each other, and well, the rest is history!

In October of 2020, Frank proposed to Crystal. And just two weeks later, they tied the knot where they fell in love: under the squat rack of AF Brodheadsville.

Congratulations, Frank and Crystal! We are so happy that we got to be a part of your special day. Looks like #AFlove truly does bleed purple!

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