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Packing the Perfect Gym Bag Checklist

With this comprehensive checklist at your side, you can be sure that you’ll never have to worry about that “Oh no!” moment at the gym again.

We’ve all had that moment – you arrive at the gym, excited to get your workout on. You wave hello to a trainer, settle down in front of the cubbies, open up your gym bag and… oh no. You forgot your gym shoes! What’s a gymgoer to do?

Forgetting something you need for your workout can go from a mild inconvenience, like forgetting your water bottle, to a workout-ender like forgetting your gym shoes or towel for a shower before work. That’s why we created this handy-dandy checklist so that you never have to worry about going without during your workout. Some of these items are universal necessities, like shoes and a workout outfit, and others are based on your preferences, like headphones or other gear; but with this comprehensive list at your side, you can be sure that you’ll never have to worry about that “Oh no!” moment at the gym again.

  • Key fob

    • There’s nothing worse than showing up at the gym, only to forget your key. Of course, our friendly staff members are more than happy to let you in, but if you’re visiting outside of staffed hours, bringing that purple key fob is crucial!

  • Lock for your locker

    • If you prefer to keep things locked up, or if your gym doesn’t have locks on its lockers, bringing your own lock ensures that things are safe and secure. Of course, just don’t forget the combination or lose the key… then un-packing your gym bag would be your worst concern!

  • Odor balls

    • Let us be clear: we’re not telling you that your gym bag stinks. But, we’re pretty sure that just about every gym bag could benefit from a stink-stopping solution like odor balls. Because unfortunately, hard work doesn’t always smell like victory.

  • Pre-workout snack

    • It’s always a good idea to stash a little fuel in your gym bag. That way, you’re never caught off guard by sudden hunger or a drop in your energy levels. We recommend a small snack about one hour before your workout for the best results.

  • Water bottle

    • In addition to staying fueled, it’s equally important to stay hydrated, too! Make sure you’re drinking enough water before, during and after your workout. Having a water bottle in your gym bag not only helps you accomplish this during your workout, but if your gym bag is close by, it helps you stay hydrated throughout the day, too. If you transition from a work bag to a gym bag, make sure you don’t forget to throw your water bottle in.

  • Sweat towel

    • A sweat towel makes cleanup easy for you and can be a polite consideration for your fellow gym members if you’re using high-touch equipment like benches or padded machines. Bringing your own means there’s no need to use scratchy paper towels to wipe your brow.

  • Sneakers

    • Forgetting the proper shoes can be a capital-B bummer. We applaud those of you who have made do with whatever they were wearing that day, and if you’ve ever had to cancel a workout due to a lack of footwear, we feel your pain. If there’s one thing you don’t want to forget in your gym bag, it’s a pair of sneakers, and if you have one that you can dedicate to your gym bag so that you’re never without them, even better!

  • Socks

    • On warmer days when you might be wearing flip flops or sandals, it’s important to remember to pack a pair of socks in addition to your shoes. After all, nobody wants to wear sneakers with bare feet.

  • Gym clothes

    • Similar to sneakers, when you forget gym clothes, it can be hard to make do. After all, it’s not exactly easy to do squats in a suit, jumping jacks in jeans, or deadlifts in a dress. In addition to athletic pants and a shirt, don’t forget to pack additional things you might need, like a sports bra or training vest.

  • Ponytail, headband or sweatband

    • Hair in your eyes during a run is no fun. If you’ve got longer hair, make sure to pack something to tie it back with.

  • Headphones

    • Speaking of things that go on your head, if you have a favorite workout playlist, make sure you pack your headphones so you can jam out. Of course, our coaches and trainers are always happy to chat with you if you forget them, but we know that for some people, the music is what helps them get through that last mile.

  • Accessories

    • Do you bring your own resistance bands or exercise gloves? What about a notebook to track your workout program, or your own yoga mat? If there’s anything you need to do your workout your way, make sure it’s in the gym bag. Thankfully, forgetting accessories like these usually isn’t a make-it-or-break-it factor, in terms of getting your workout done, but we wanted to include anything you need to achieve the best workout possible.

  • Notebook for your workout program

    • If you’re a traditional pen-and-paper person, don’t forget your workout program, mile log, or anything else you might need to keep track of your workout.

  • Smart watch or heart rate monitor

    • Make those steps count! If you like to track your workout with metrics like heart rate or calories burned, make sure you pack your heart rate monitor or smart watch. Of course, with a smart watch, it’s already on your wrist, so our other piece of advice is to remember to take the smart watch off for your post-workout shower!

  • Shower towel and toiletries, shower flip flops

    • You have a lot to keep track of if you like to shower after your workout, so we recommend always making sure you have the essentials: a towel, toiletries, and shower shoes. And of course, a change of clean clothes for when you get out!
  • Post-workout snack

    • Yup, we put snack on here twice, because it’s that important. Fueling with carbs and protein after a workout helps your body recover more quickly and gets muscles the nutrients they need. When you keep snacks stashed in your gym bag, you’ll never be without pre- or post-workout fuel.
  • A positive attitude!

    • Last but certainly not least is an object that you can always find, even if it’s not in your gym bag. With a positive attitude checked off the list, you’re officially ready to have a great workout and make healthy happen!

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