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Coach Spotlight: Mike

Coach Mike's philosophy centers on helping others become their strongest and most confident selves — without fixating on results.

Coach Mike found his passion for helping people working as a Coach at Anytime Fitness four years ago. Since then, he’s guided hundreds of people toward their fitness goals. But Mike’s coaching philosophy resonates on and off the purple turf– he strives to help you become a stronger and more fulfilled version of yourself. And it all starts with that first “Confidence-building Session”. We sat down with Mike to learn more.

• Home Turf: AF Woodbury, MN

• Age: 28

• Social:

IG: @Coachmikevoorhees

TikTok: @mikevoorhees_

Most Used Emoji: 😂💪🏼

• Favorite Recipe: 3-Bean Cowboy Caviar

Favorite Workout: 15-min Tricep + Bicep Circuit

Mike, tell us more about yourself– what’s something people may not know about you?

I have a Golden St. Berdoodle named Henry. Also, I am hard of hearing, and I can read lips! I love watching sporting events and reading what the players and coaches are saying in the background. 

When I’m not in the gym, I’m either eating, binging Survivor (competitive reality shows are my guilty pleasure), or watching the Vikings with my wife and Henry. Skol Vikings! 


If you could sum up your Coaching philosophy, what would you say?

Fitness is really about being the best version of yourself that you can be, whatever that may look like to you! When you begin your fitness journey, what you focus on matters– don’t worry about the number on the scale, focus on improving healthy habits. Don’t obsess over results, just enjoy the process!


As a Coach, what’s your number one fitness hack you can share? 

Movement is medicine. Move often, and in a variety of ways! The worst thing you can do is sit still for long periods of time. Also, if you haven’t tried kettlebells – check ‘em out!


What’s the best or most unexpected benefit of working with a Coach? – 

The personal connection. It’s amazing how the coach-client relationship feels like a second family at times! I love getting to know members, being a part of their fitness journey and watching them grow! 

The members and Coaches are what make Anytime Fitness so special. I love the positive, supportive environment in every club. Everyone is always cheering everyone else on– how it should be!


Lastly, what would you tell someone struggling to find the motivation to get into the gym today?

Take it one day at a time. Start small. It never has to be perfect. You just have to show up!


Thanks, Coach Mike!!

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