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4 Benefits of Tracking Your Workouts

Sticking to a consistent gym routine can be a challenge at times, but keeping a workout journal can help. Here are four reasons we love tracking our workouts.
A woman using her phone in a gym.

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re a seasoned gym-goer, it’s normal to experience times when sticking to a routine or staying motivated is a challenge. So, where can you turn when you need workout inspiration and motivation? For some, keeping a workout journal or recording workouts is a surefire way to stay on track. 

Pro tip:

Tracking your fitness journey is easy with the AF App! Not only do you get personalized workouts, but you can also schedule training, get expert tips from our Coaches and connect with your AF community. Download today!

4 reasons to track your workouts

1. Tracking your fitness journey keeps you accountable.

Keeping a written record of all your workouts creates accountability. Not only do you need to actively keep up with filling your journal with entries, but according to a study published in the AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, keeping a routine log of your health can also make you more knowledgable about ways to improve it. 

Pro tip: Snap a photo of your journal entries and send them to your personal trainer or a gym buddy, or share an electronic journal with a trusted friend. Not only will they help hold you accountable, they can also provide some much-needed words of encouragement!

2. Tracking your workouts keeps you motivated.

It’s perfectly normal to need a little gym motivation every now and then. Keeping a workout journal gives you a clear picture of the progress you’ve made. Looking back can show you that your hard work has paid off — and serves as a reminder that you can do it, even when you may feel like you can’t!

If you’re a planner, you can even schedule your workouts ahead of time in your journal. Who doesn’t love checking off a box on their to-do list? So rewarding!

3. Keeping track will help you set realistic goals.

Not seeing the progress you want in the gym? It could be that your workouts don’t align with your fitness goals. Keeping track of your workouts in a journal allows you to see what’s working — and what’s not. Maybe you’re under-fueling, not getting enough sleep, or simply not having fun in the gym! Use your old journal entries to determine how to adjust your workout routine to achieve your goals.

Another benefit: When you’re in a fitness slump, you can look at your journal and go back to a tried-and-true workout that you loved.

4. Tracking workouts can lead to better results.

Consistency is key to achieving any workout goal. Like we mentioned, tracking your workouts can help you stay accountable and motivated, set realistic goals, and identify patterns in your fitness journey. The result: a consistent workout routine and better outcomes.

Plus, your journal can keep you from getting into a workout rut. Doing the same exercises over and over? Time to change it up!

How to track your workouts

Ready to try it out? Grab your favorite journal or open a note in your phone and let’s get started. Here are some prompts for tracking your next workout:

  1. Which exercises did you do?
  2. How many reps did you do? How many miles did you run or walk? 
  3. How long did you exercise?
  4. What time was it, and where did you work out?
  5. What did you eat before and/or after your workout?
  6. Did you reach any milestones or achieve a personal best during your workout?
  7. How did you feel, physically and emotionally, during your workout? How about before and after?

Of course, you don’t have to answer every question when you track your own workout. Choose the best options for you and your personal goals, or come up with your own prompts. Your fitness journal is about your progress, so make it feel like you

Being healthy means more than just getting to the gym and eating well. Check out our Wellness Checklist for Your Mind and Body to start tracking other lifestyle goals.

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