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Learning to Dream Big: Molly’s Story

Molly wasn’t sure the gym was right for her, but with consistency, encouragement from her family and Coach, and a fighting spirit, she’s lost 60 pounds and gained a renewed sense of confidence.
Molly flexes with her aunt and their Coach at Anytime Fitness.

When Molly first joined her local Anytime Fitness in Brodheadsville, PA, she really didn’t want to be there. She’d been feeling uncomfortable in her own skin, and while she did go for the occasional run around the park, Molly had a hard time staying consistent as far as the gym was concerned. She tried a few fads and short-term solutions, but those didn’t pan out in the long run. She needed something more permanent, but more than that, she needed a push. 

Overcoming gym anxiety

Following the COVID-19 lockdown, Molly found herself struggling to leave her comfort zone. Because she worked remotely, she hardly ever left the house. The more she stayed in, the harder it got to leave. She stopped pursuing her usual favorite pastimes, and before long, realized that she’d ended up in a rut — both mentally and physically. 

“I kind of lost sight of who I was,” says Molly. “My mind and my body weren’t connected, and they should have been. I was neglecting myself.”  

Molly’s aunt and coworker, Tracey, was the first person to push Molly, while also pushing herself. “My aunt bought training sessions with [Coach] Adam for her and I to boost our confidence and to become better versions of ourselves,” explains Molly. “Mentally, I thought I was not ready for this transition.” But it was that push that started Molly on her journey toward regaining her confidence.

Training body and mind

At the time, the thought of having a Coach scared Molly. She felt self-conscious and anxious just being at the gym. Her Coach could sense her hesitation, and quickly got to work shattering those mindsets. “I could tell she didn’t enjoy it,” says Coach Adam. “Not only physically but mentally.” But with the support of both Coach Adam and her aunt, Molly has a solid foundation to start growing.

“Once I started getting back into the gym and Tracey and Adam were there to support me along the way, I started to see who I was again and gain my confidence back,” says Molly. “And it was life-changing.”

Whenever Molly was feeling unmotivated or insecure, Coach Adam worked hard to create a positive environment for them to train in. Molly herself admits she was not easy to work with, but her Coach found ways to ease her nerves and keep her moving forward. “After keeping a consistent routine and having such a supportive [Coach] and training partner,” says Molly, “I was able to overcome my insecurities in the gym and start to see my potential.”

For Molly, the crew at her local Anytime Fitness played a large role in her health journey, motivating her to keep going. “They’re just so inviting,” she explains, “and they genuinely have your best interest at heart. They want to see you succeed… and they make it so welcoming. They make you want to go back every day, really.”

Molly at the leg press machine, being encouraged by her Coach, Adam.

Dreaming big

Molly flexes in front of a mirror.

With time, Molly grew comfortable setting (and surpassing) both short- and long-term goals for herself. Before joining Anytime Fitness, she might have said that it’s dangerous to dream big, but now, she’s all for it. “You can do anything you set your mind to,” she notes. 

It was those big dreams that got her to where she is now. She’s kicked a smoking habit and lost 60 pounds over the course of her ongoing fitness journey. Her newfound confidence has helped her both in and outside the gym, too. She has her sights set on buying a house in the near future, and recently made the case to her employer that she deserved a raise—which she got!

“Molly is a completely new woman,” says Coach Adam. “I watched [her] fall in love with the process, learn to love herself, learn to appreciate her strengths, learn to love the chase of a challenge, and learn that she can be and do and have anything she wants… She has the power and always did.” 

“It’s okay to dream big, you know? You can do anything you set your mind to.”
—Molly H.

“I learned that there is never a bad time to change the trajectory of your life,” says Molly. “Now, rather than feeling forced to work out, I feel blessed and excited that I get the opportunity to move my body each day. I look forward to not only how it makes my body feel but also how it improves my mental health.” 

Now, Molly looks forward to going to the gym and the feeling of satisfaction following a really good workout — especially on leg day! Even so, Molly has one piece of advice: “You’ll go down and then go up and then go down, and everybody’s timeline is different.” In the end, she says, the highs and lows are all part of the process. 

When asked why she keeps going back, here’s what she had to say: “I train because it makes me happy. I train because I’m hot as hell. I train because I’m worth devoting the time to myself each and every day.” Way to go, Molly! 

If Molly’s origin story sounds like yours, then Anytime Fitness is the place for you! Find your local AF gym and sign up for a free fitness consultation, where we’ll chat about your health goals and create a plan that works for you.

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