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Coach Spotlight: Colton

Coach Colton has a knack for making workouts enjoyable. With his years of experience and knowledge of fitness, he's here to share his wisdom with others.

AF Coach Colton has a gift for making hard workouts look fun. After years of honing his fitness skills and working on himself, he was inspired to share his knowledge with others. Watching how he works with and motivates members in the gym, you would have sworn he’s been coaching on the purple turf his whole life! We got the chance to catch up with Colton and learn more about him and his top tips…

• Home Turf: AF Farmington, MN

• Age: 26

• Social: @CMyless

• Sports Team: Vikings

• Favorite Recipe: Breakfast Burrito Casserole (don’t forget the hot sauce!)

• Favorite Workout: Top 5 TRX Exercises

What are some things that the members you Coach know about you that most people don’t?

Hmm… Well they know my favorite show, because I quote it all the time–The Office. I have two dogs, Smokey and Kai. And if we’re celebrating a new PR, I always strongly encourage a Chipotle run. Also, they know my favorite artist because his music’s a staple on my workout playlists: Daddy Yankee!


Can you share some of your top fitness tips or hacks?

I think people focus too much on weight. What’s more important is becoming more mindful about your holistic health and lifestyle– strength, mobility, mental health, nutrition.

Also, every workout does not need to be a home run! What’s most important is staying active and being consistent. That can mean doing little things, like taking a daily walk. On my rest days, I love getting outdoors and exploring new hiking trails and paths with my dogs!


What should people who have never had a Coach know?

The best part about having a Coach is that it takes all the guesswork out of reaching your goals. The first time meeting a member, I ask what they’re looking to accomplish in the gym or what their idea of success looks like, and I work with them to create a plan to get there. Staying consistent is all about accountability, and that’s one of the most valuable things a Coach can provide. If you give me your number I might get annoying, but I’m here to help support you all the way through.

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