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TRX Core Workout

If you’re looking to change up your core day, look no further. This TRX core workout will give you an intense core workout while challenging you in new ways.

If you’re looking to change up your core day, look no further. This TRX core workout will give you an intense core workout while challenging you in new ways. Not only will this be a good workout for your core, it will also be functional, which means that these moves will strengthen your core for the movements you do in your everyday life. For more information, here’s everything you need to know about functional training.

By strengthening your core, you are strengthening the root of most exercises. Even though you may not think about it, your core is involved in most of the movements you perform, whether you’re in the gym or moving through daily life. From squatting to shoulder presses to carrying groceries, your core is what gives your body stability. By strengthening our roots, we can move more weight with less effort, which means the ability to add weight and get a more effective workout overall!

This workout will incorporate six TRX or Suspension Trainer movements that will challenge your core in different ways. It’s also a great way to get familiar with the TRX suspension training system if you haven’t used it before. You can also check out this CCC article to learn all about it!

Complete three rounds of this workout with a full minute and a half of rest between your rounds. This will allow you to fully recover and focus more on keeping good form, which protects your lower back. Let’s get to it!

Glute Bridge - 10 Reps

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle, your feet looped through the TRX handles and your arms out by your sides.
  2. Raise your back and hips up off the floor, bringing your body into a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. 
  3. Lower your body back down to the floor and repeat.
  4. Keep your knees bent to target the hamstrings.

Mountain Climber - 20 Reps Total

  1. Place your hands on the floor with your feet behind you in the TRX handles and one knee pulled in towards your chest with the other leg straight out.
  2. Extend the leg out and pull the other knee in towards your chest.
  3. Alternate bringing your legs in and out.
  4. TIP – Taking this one slower will help you get more out of it. 

Single Arm Row - 10 Reps Each Side

  1. Lean back holding both handles in one hand with your arm fully extended, your feet flat and your palm facing down. Your body should be at an incline.
  2. Pull your chest up to the handles, bending your elbow.
  3. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.
  4. TIP – Keep your shoulders square to the ground to challenge your core!

Pike - 10 Reps

  1. Start in a straight body position with your hands on the floor in front of you and your feet looped through the TRX handles. 
  2. Pull your feet in towards your body while lifting your hips into the air with your legs straight.
  3. Return back out to the straight position.
  4. TIP – Control your body as you come back down to ensure you keep your lower back in a good position!

Push Up Roll Out - 10 Reps

  1. Begin in a suspended high plank position. Lower your body into a push up position. Return to the start. 
  2. Then, reach your arms out as far as you can while maintaining a neutral spine. Return to the start position and repeat.
  3. TIP – Keep your shoulders down away from your ears while doing your roll out. 

Around the World - 5 Reps

  1. Begin in a suspended high plank position. Lower your body into a push up position. Return to the start. 
  2. Then, reach your arms out as far as you can while maintaining a neutral spine. Return to the start position and repeat.
  3. TIP – Keep your shoulders down away from your ears while doing your roll out. 

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