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HIIT the Gym, Hit Your Goals

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said, “I just don’t have time to work out.” There’s no doubt that one of the top reasons people struggle to find and sustain a fitness routine is because they feel like they don’t have time. Life’s busy. Short on time, meet High Intensity Interval Training. Also known as HIIT, this type of workout is a great solution to the no-time-to-work-out blues with an efficient yet effective workout. Not only is it a great use of time, it also can kick start your metabolism and leave you burning calories long after you’ve finished working out.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said, “I just don’t have time to work out.” There’s no doubt that one of the top reasons people struggle to find and sustain a fitness routine is because they feel like they don’t have time. Life’s busy. Short on time, meet High Intensity Interval Training. Also known as HIIT, this type of workout is a great solution to the no-time-to-work-out blues with an efficient yet effective workout. Not only is it a great use of time, it also can kick start your metabolism and leave you burning calories long after you’ve finished working out. 

HIIT Your Way

If your first reaction to hearing the term high intensity is, “Nope, that’s not for me!” Fear not. While you may associate HIIT with crazy hard and intense workouts, there is a HIIT workout out there for everyone! High Intensity often scares people away before ever giving HIIT workouts a try thanks to their intimidating moniker. Getting a coach that can help you create a HIIT plan that meets your needs and abilities is a great way to take the “scary” and “intimidation” factors out of the equation. Coaches will understand different fitness levels to ensure your high intensity is right for you. Interesting in finding a coach? Head to our gym locator to find someone near you!

By exerting higher energy through more intense workouts, you’re able to more effectively achieve the needed outputs that create an impactful workout. And while finding a workout that fits into your schedule is important, we can’t overlook the importance of having a plan. Create a routine and plan your HIIT workout ahead. That way, it’s not a matter of “if” or “should” you work out, it’s a matter of when. Need some help? We’ve got you! Check out our guide to creating a HIIT-style workout.


Two of the biggest buzz words in fitness collide. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, more commonly referred to as EPOC, is your body’s response to HIIT. After you are done with a HIIT workout, your body speeds up its metabolism for several hours resulting in a higher calorie burn. EPOC combined with the already higher calorie burn from a HIIT workout can often kickstart any weight loss related goals. Major win/win.

Combining Strength Training with HIIT

Variety is the spice of life. And variety with your HIIT workouts can lead to total body changes. Incorporating strength training into your HIIT routines can often lead to significant body composition changes when combined with consistency over time. Because strength training requires a significant exertion of energy, adding intense intervals to your weight routine will help you see the benefits of HIIT. Strength training allows you to build muscle while also getting all the other benefits of HIIT, including the higher calorie burn. 

You’re sold on HIIT, aren’t you? We thought so! Here are a few of our favorite HIIT workouts to get you started!

25-Minute Dumbbell HIIT Workout

A 25-Minute HIIT Bike Workout Anyone Can Try

Quick HIIT: A 20-Minute HIIT Elliptical Routine

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