Virtual Workouts • Health Coaching Advice • Community

This  Energy Booster workout is comprised of four simple movements that will activate, open, and align your body, led by Coach Katie. These moves are perfect for pre-performance, cool down, or a midday break to get the oxygen flowing. Whether you spend the majority of your day seated or you find yourself standing often, these movements are a great way to re-center your posture, your breath and get your blood pumping. You’ll instantly feel energized and equipped to tackle the rest of your day or begin your workout a step ahead.

Move to the speed of your own breath with each move, and pair the workout with the calming and energizing sounds to make the most of your refresh.

Energy Boosting Refresh

Two rounds of each move for 40-60 seconds each.

Sunflower Squats 

Breathe as you rise through your nose and as you squat, exhale through your nose. Continue in a fluid pattern as you concentrate on your breathing.

Plank Grid 

This is a highly variable exercise that you can modify easily to your ability. Starting on all fours, from your knees or from your toes, you’ll move your arms to mimic a grid-like pattern. Keep a bit of tension in your core to ensure you activate your whole body.

Alternating Reverse Lunge 

Continue to keep your breath mindful while moving through this lunge exercise. If you’re feeling unstable, this exercise can be performed with an assist from a chair or something sturdy that you can hold onto for support. Exhale as you lunge and inhale as you return to a standing position.

Standing A’s, I’s, T’s 

Get ready to work your lower trapezius muscles! Begin with your arms at your side and move your arms through the A, I and T formation. If you’d like a challenge, hinge at your hips to add resistance and engage your glutes. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and try your best to breathe deeply throughout the exercise.

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