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25-Minute Slider Workout

Our slider workout is designed to increase your heart rate so you can maximize the effects of your workout in the gym and in the recovery period.
Woman doing plank

Have you ever wondered what those funky little colorful discs are in your gym’s multipurpose room? Many people are familiar with sliders and know that they’re slippery, but aren’t exactly sure how to incorporate them into a workout. That’s why we’re here to help with today’s quick and easy slider workout!

Sliders are a great tool to change up your exercise routine while still getting a great workout in. After all, very few pieces of equipment work the way that sliders do. Sliders provide new ways to challenge our muscles and the way we move by providing friction and tension through full ranges of motion. They also allow us to train stability in our core. Sliders can easily be added to a plank to give you many new variations that challenge your core stability. You’ll get a chance to try this out for yourself once we get into the workout!

The best part about sliders is that if you can’t make it to the gym, they can easily be made from whatever you have in your home. To make your own slider, you just have to know what surface you’re working out on, and what material works best. For carpet, paper plates or any other type of cardboard will slide well. For hardwood, socks or hand towels are a great choice. Of course, we hope we get to see your smiling face in the gym, since traditional sliders are designed to work best, no matter what surface you’re on.

25 Minute Slider Workout

For this workout, start by setting up your timer, as you’ll need 25 minutes to complete the circuit! Make sure you have enough space, and practice a couple reps of each move to warm up and to make sure that your sliders are working well on your surface. Take breaks as needed and try to perform this circuit at least three times — or more if you can — in 25 minutes. Rather than hurrying through each exercise, focus on the quality of each rep to make it the best it can be. Once you are ready, get to work for 25 minutes and have fun!

Slider Reverse Lunge – 8 Reps Each Leg

  1. Stand upright with one foot on a slider and your arms by your sides.
  2. Slide your foot back on the slider, dropping your knee and keeping your weight on the front foot.
  3. Drag your back foot forward, returning upright
  4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Slider Knee Tuck – 16 Reps

  1. Start in the top of a push up position with your arms straight, hands directly beneath your shoulders and toes on sliders.
  2. Drag your feet in towards your hands, bending at the knees.
  3. Slide your feet back out to where your legs are straight and repeat. Think of this one as a tuck jump, but on the ground using sliders.

Slider Kneeling Push Up to Pike – 8 Reps

  1. Kneel with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, with your arms straight and your toes on sliders.
  2.  Lower your chest down toward the floor, bending at the elbows.
  3.  Push up to a straight arm position, then raise your knees coming up into the top position of a full push up.
  4. Drag your feet in towards your hands, raising your hips up while keeping your legs straight.
  5. Slide your feet back out, lowering your hips and knees. Repeat.

Slider Leg Curl – 8 Reps Each Leg

  1. Lie on your back with your heels on sliders, legs straight and your hands at your sides.
  2. Raise your hips off the floor, making a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. 
  3. Pull your heels in towards your hands, bending at the knees and extending your hips fully.
  4.  Slide your feet back out to straight legs, lowering your hips back to the floor and repeat.

Slider Plank Jack – 16 Reps 

  1. Start in the high plank position, supporting your body on your toes and hands with your arms straight, back flat and your feet together. Place the toes of each foot on a slider. 
  2. Slide your feet out wide to the sides, keeping your hands stationary.
  3. Slide your feet back in together to the middle. Continue by rapidly sliding your feet out wide and back in.

Slider Side Lunge – 8 Reps Each Leg

  1. Stand upright with one foot on a slider.
  2. Slide the foot on the slider out to the side with the leg straight, lowering your body down with your weight on the stationary leg.
  3. Drag your extended foot back in to the start position 
  4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.

Slider Cross Body Mountain Climber – 16 Reps

  1. Support your body on your toes and hands in the top of a push up position.
  2. Quickly bring one knee in towards your chest and across your body towards the opposite elbow, keeping the rest of your body in the push up position.
  3. Straighten this leg back out and repeat with the other leg on the other side.
  4. Continue alternating legs each rep.

Slider Body Rocker- 16 Reps 

  1. Start in a low plank position with your body raised off the floor, resting on your forearms with your toes on sliders.
  2. Push off your forearms, shifting your body back, moving your shoulders behind your elbows.
  3. Shift your body forward, moving your shoulders past your elbows, then come back to neutral. Repeat.

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