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Take the Guesswork Out of Grocery Shopping

Whether you’re embarking on a new health journey or you’re just constantly scratching your head in the grocery store unsure of what to add to cart, we see you! We’ve put together some simple guidelines along with a grocery shopping guide to make eating healthy a breeze. Use the grocery shopping guide as a thought starter, as we recommend heading to the grocery store with a plan – a meal plan – to keep you on track while avoiding food waste.

Whether you’re embarking on a new health journey or you’re just constantly scratching your head in the grocery store unsure of what to add to cart, we see you! We’ve put together some simple guidelines along with a grocery shopping guide to make eating healthy a breeze. Use the grocery shopping guide as a thought starter, as we recommend heading to the grocery store with a plan – a meal plan – to keep you on track while avoiding food waste.

  1. Start by saying goodbye to overly processed and refined items in your pantry and fridge.

This doesn’t mean you can’t detour every now and then, but as a generality – we want you to focus on fresh, whole foods. 

  1. You don’t have to go toss everything and start from scratch in one day. 

We would never ask you to make a nutritional 180°. Give it time, and take it easy on yourself. Try replacing one food item at a time. As you continually add in healthier options, your taste buds will change, and you will naturally want cleaner, whole foods as the more processed foods will soon seem less appealing.

  1. Plan Ahead

Plan your weekly meals and snacks before going to the grocery store. Once at the store, avoid wandering aimlessly, don’t shop the end-of-aisle displays, and stick to your list. You’ll save time, money, and shop healthier.  

  1. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish are usually located. 

Avoid the center aisles where junk foods lurk! Not only will this keep you on track, it will save you money, too, by avoiding the unnecessary splurges. 

  1. Less IS more.

When it comes to ingredient counts, fewer is better. Fewer ingredients means less processed foods and when it comes to your nutrition, that’s a good thing! Try to purchase items with five or six ingredients at the most. Try to avoid things with added sugars and if there are, make sure sugar is one of the last ingredients on the list!  

  1. Avoid foods that are targeted to children.

Unfortunately, foods that are marketed towards children are often loaded with sugar and definitely don’t live within the outer perimeter of the grocery store. Just steer clear of the pre-packaged foods!

  1. Don’t shop on an empty stomach

When you’re hungry, your blood sugar dips and hormonal changes increase cravings for fat, sugar, and salt, making shopping for healthy foods more challenging. Eat a healthy and balanced snack, such as carrots and hummus, nut butter with apple slices, Greek yogurt with a handful of seeds, or hardboiled eggs before heading to the grocery store. 

  1. Create meals made with just a few items. 

Try mixing and matching from the list below to make a fresh, clean, fast and delicious meal!

Vegetables and Herbs

  • asparagus
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • Brusselssprouts 
  • carrots
  • celery
  • summer squash
  • zucchini
  • spaghetti squash
  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • peppers
  • carrots
  • potatoes 
  • sweet potatoes
  • beets
  • parsnips
  • green and wax beans
  • artichokes (canned artichoke hearts are great, too!)
  • spinach
  • kale  
  • collard greens
  • corn
  • snap peas       
  • lettuces(all types) 
  • onions    
  • garlic
  • cilantro   
  • parsley
  • basil 


  • berries
  • apples                      
  • bananas
  • melons
  • pineapple
  • clementine
  • oranges
  • grapefruit
  • kiwi
  • cherries
  • stone fruit (peaches, plus, nectarines) 
  • mango
  • papaya
  • grapes
  • lemons                    
  • avocado

Frozen Foods

  • frozen diced onions (for a quick sauté when you don’t have fresh onions or time!)
  • frozen veggie medley
  • frozen green beans
  • frozen spinach 
  • edamame 
  • frozen berries (great for smoothies)
  • frozen cherries


  • fish (Choose omega-3 fatty acid-richfish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines and pick wild fish over farm-raised). 
  • beef
  • pork
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • bison(and other game meat) 
  • ground meat
  • ground poultry
  • sausage (from grass-fed meat)
  • deli meat (try to purchase nitrate and nitrite-free)
  • hotdogs (nitrate and nitrite-free)
  • butter
  • organic whole milk 
  • goat’s milk
  • kefir 
  • Greek yogurt
  • hard cheese, preferably raw and local (cow or goat)—avoid pre-shredded, as it is filled with additives
  • blue cheese
  • feta
  • cottage cheese

Pantry Staples

  • rice              
  • quinoa (also a protein source)
  • millet                       
  • soba noodles (also a protein source)
  • Ezekiel bread, Ezekiel tortillas (made of sprouted grain)
  • whole wheat tortillas 
  • whole wheat pita
  • rice cakes
  • canned salmon
  • canned tuna
  • canned sardines
  • tahini                       
  • tempeh
  • black beans            
  • cannellini beans
  • pinto beans             
  • lentils
  • chickpeas               
  • raw almonds
  • raw macadamia nuts
  • raw cashews      
  • pumpkin seeds (aka pepitas)
  • sunflower seeds
  • walnuts                   
  • almond butter
  • sunflower butter


  • olives
  • apple sauce (no sugar added)
  • fruit cups (no sugar added)
  • hummus
  • darkchocolate (at least 70% chocolate to reap the most benefits) 
  • gluten-free crackers
  • popcorn (go for those that are air popped or made with healthy oils such as coconut oil)
  • homemade fruit and nut bars (or healthy store-bought ones)
  • natural fruit leathers(no sugar added) 
  • beef jerky
  • natural fruit popsicles
  • granola (low/nosugar, or gluten free, for a fun crunch for yogurt parfaits)


  • extra-virgin olive oil   
  • coconut oil (can be used for cooking)
  • sesame oil       
  • truffle oil                   
  • black pepper
  • grey Celtic/pink Himalayansalt               
  • hot sauce
  • cinnamon
  • turmeric                         
  • cayenne
  • red pepper flakes       
  • honey (preferably raw, unfiltered, and local)
  • maple syrup
  • stevia
  • tamari (instead of soy sauce) 
  • Dijonor regular mustard                          
  • apple cider vinegar
  • red wine vinegar           
  • miso
  • pickles and other pickled veggies
  • fermented vegetables


  • water (can add lemon slices, orange slices, cucumber slices, etc.)
  • sparkling water 
  • coconut water       
  • kombucha 
  • herbal teas        
  • green tea      
  • almond or hemp milk

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