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How Community, Coaching & Support Make All the Difference

Brett Wolff is a competitive tennis player who uses a wheelchair. He plays tennis throughout the year and competes in cities all over the U.S. Brett joined Anytime Fitness in Waupun, WI, in June of 2020, with the goal of improving his tennis game. He wanted to focus on improving his strength, so he could hit the ball faster, and his conditioning, for better endurance during matches. He started working out in group training, pushing sleds, using battle ropes, doing pull-ups and more.
Photo of a woman smiling

At Anytime Fitness, we focus on providing you with a supportive, welcoming environment for all our members, because we know the difference it can make on someone’s health journey.

Desiree Webb used to belong to a large chain gym – but while she was a member, she never worked out there because she felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the huge crowds the gym would draw. At the start of the new year, she decided that enough was enough, and set out to find another gym where she could work out without that feeling of “gymtimidation.”

She found everything she was looking for at Anytime Fitness Silverbell in Tucson, AZ. Desiree started working out there in January 2020, and she immediately noticed how friendly and welcoming the staff was.

“Every time I walk in the door I am greeted by name and made to feel at home,” she says. “The coaches at Anytime Fitness go above and beyond to make members feel encouraged and comfortable.”

Desiree found that her experience at Anytime Fitness was much more comfortable and personable than what she’d felt at other gyms. She exercises to give her brain a break from stress and, instead, focus on sweating and getting stronger, and the friendly, welcoming environment made all the difference.

Her current fitness goal is to stay consistent in her health journey, and so far, she’s lost 20 pounds! The coaches at the gym will tell you that she’s the hardest worker in the room and always has a smile on her face.

Desiree’s advice to newcomers is to talk yourself out of taking that pre-gym nap. Instead, find a good pre-workout drink, stay motivated and get to work!

Photo of a member and a trainer smiling

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