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Finding Success While Ignoring the Scale: Weight Is Just a Number

What motivates you to work out? Is it wanting a healthier lifestyle for yourself? Is it how you reset after a long day, or when you find your “me time?” For Jay of Anytime Fitness in Jordan, MN, working out was a way for him to get closer to his goal of spending more time with his kids. Jay has two young kids who are full of energy, and he wanted to be able to keep up with them. For him, that meant getting in better shape, with a goal of losing 35 pounds. Extra weight had not only been keeping him from spending time with his kids, it had also caused him knee pain, and he was determined to become stronger and alleviate that pain.

What motivates you to work out? Is it wanting a healthier lifestyle for yourself? Is it how you reset after a long day, or when you find your “me time?” For Jay of Anytime Fitness in Jordan, MN, working out was a way for him to get closer to his goal of spending more time with his kids. Jay has two young kids who are full of energy, and he wanted to be able to keep up with them. For him, that meant getting in better shape, with a goal of losing 35 pounds. Extra weight had not only been keeping him from spending time with his kids, it had also caused him knee pain, and he was determined to become stronger and alleviate that pain.

However, sometimes finding success on our health journey isn’t as simple as just losing weight. In fact, many people actually gain or maintain weight when they start working out more frequently. The problem isn’t their dedication or motivation – it’s the scale!

Scales are great for doing one thing: telling us how much we weigh. What they don’t capture is what that weight is composed of, whether it’s fat, muscle, or bone mass. When you begin a new workout routine, you may be losing fat but gaining muscle at the same time, which is why your weight loss isn’t reflected. Scales can be disheartening and make it appear as if you haven’t made any progress, when in fact the opposite is true!

That’s why we love the Evolt 360° body scanner. The Evolt scanner provides comprehensive health data that goes far beyond the scale. It uses over 40 measurements to provide detailed information on what makes up your total body weight, rather than just how much your body weighs. Evolt allows you to determine your body’s percentage of fat and muscle and compare it over time.

The Evolt was a great tool for Jay, because he actually gained two pounds over the first 30 days of his health journey. At first glance, that might seem disheartening, but thankfully, he had the Evolt to tell him that he had gained three pounds of muscle and lost one pound of fat! Thanks to the Evolt, he was able to see the whole picture, and that those two pounds were actually a reflection of his hard work. Since he’s started training with Anytime Fitness, Jay has felt stronger, and he’s proud to see the lean muscle mass he’s building. The Evolt helped him realize how misleading a scale alone can be and see that his hard work was bringing him closer to his health goals, even if he wasn’t losing weight.

Want to see the Evolt in action?

Download the Anytime Fitness app and schedule your appointment today!

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