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Finding Joy and Strength on the Purple Turf

Tyler K.'s post-workout jam sessions are the culmination of years of hard work in the wake of devastating loss that ultimately brought him to AF.

If you look up the meaning of joyful movement, we’re pretty sure you’ll find a picture of Anytime Fitness member Tyler K. enjoying his post-workout jam session. These jams sessions mean so much more than celebrating a successful workout, they’re the culmination of years of hard work in the wake of a devastating loss that ultimately brought Tyler to the purple turf.

In 2016, Tyler’s mother became ill and passed away suddenly. Soon after, Tyler’s aunt, Marcia Roberts, became his guardian. Marcia knew that with some Down Syndrome cases, there is a predisposition towards obesity—but she wanted to help do everything she could to offer Tyler the healthiest life possible. Standing at 5’ tall and 220lbs, Tyler began working on his diet. Eating smaller portions and incorporating more whole foods into his diet helped, but Marcia and Tyler decided together that physical activity was the next step in his journey. Enter: Anytime Fitness.

Marcia approached Jayson Altman, the owner of Tyler’s local Anytime Fitness, to see if he and his team could begin coaching Tyler. Despite not having much experience with clients like Tyler, they jumped at the chance to bring him on board. What happened next was more than both Tyler and Marcia could have wished for.

Tyler began working with Jake York and the two instantly bonded. Jayson noticed something really special between this dynamic coach/client relationship, “Both of those gentlemen are special, special people and to see that Jake has such a big heart to let Tyler in and that Tyler loves him so much, it’s inspirational to see the two of them together.” Not only do Tyler and Jake love working together, but they also get serious results. While Tyler has some limitations, they leave those off the training floor. From their first coaching session, Jake has pushed Tyler to work as hard as he can, every session they spend together, “Being Tyler’s trainer is honestly not as different as you’d think. He’s very much a standard client to me.” The results speak for themselves. Since working with Jake and the Anytime Fitness family, he’s lost an incredible 70lbs that has opened up his world in a way that Marcia never could have expected.

“We were hoping for some weight loss, we were hoping for just physical activity, but they challenged him.” Marcia believes that challenge, combined with Jake’s enthusiastic approach to wellness is what has kept Tyler excited and motivated to continue his momentum. Jayson agrees, “It wasn’t here we have a client with special needs, let’s just do some lighter weight stuff—they worked him hard but made it fun and I think that’s what’s led to this success with Tyler.”

The best is yet to come, Tyler has no plans to quit now. His world has opened up, in no small part thanks to his newfound physical capabilities and that makes Marcia brim with joy.

“I have no doubt that because of the weight loss and the commitment to the trainers at the gym, that Tyler will live a much longer life and that’s a good thing because the world’s a brighter place with him in it.” No truer words have been spoken and that’s real AF.

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